Boring boring Philosophy


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Sep 24, 2009
Is anyone else completely bored with the Philosophy range available on QVC?

Don't get me wrong, I really like the range. I think its good quality and good fun, but blimey its getting dull.

If you went by QVC's range of items you would never know that they made shower gels and lip glosses in all sorts of weird and wonderful scents(I've heard ther pumpkin stuff is good.....!) You'd never make it past the skincare or the "Graces".

I wondered whether it is because the skincare brings in the money, but if you look at l'occitane their smellies are so popular that by QVC standards you wouldn't know that they had multiple skin care ranges, so it can't be that.

Oh and don't get me started on that new guest Robyn, there must be someone out there who can show some enthusiasm for the range, even if it can't be Lee anymore:sad:
Every time Philosophy is on this comes up. I completely agree with every thing you have said Katy. There are a few new items this visit but nothing to set the world on fire.
Ah glad I'm not the only one then!! It was looking at the OTO mentionned before that set me off. What's the point in reducing the price to that extent on products that everyone has at home? I must be able to make at least 4 of those OTO sets out of my drawers and I've not bought any for about a year now because its so boring. In fact its got to the stage now where I don't even bother watching the shows when they're on.
I agree with everything you ladies have mentioned. I have not bought any Philosophy since Lee has gone, which leads me to the conslusion that I was easily encouraged by him to buy. (Bad man!!!! lol) Since he left I find it hard to even bother wasting my time to watch their show.
I find it lasts really well and I love the Amazing Grace shower stuff that can be used as shampoo followed by conditioner, etc. that was in a TSV. However, Mum bought a set of gels to give as presents and the little sayings on the bottles made them unsuitable as gifts!
spot on

You ladies are so spot on, just looked at the Philosophy show for about the third time today thinking I may be tempted only to see Franksey and her usual ott on the value, this time it was 3 body butters, tubes app normally £24 each !!, now 3 for £53 (incl the high postage ) sweet baby jesus, who is going to pay this, plus its the same old grace, dull, dull dull...grhhh, oh and as for the poe faced womean they have flown over from America, whoop de doo, she is like a robot, never thought I missed Lee but at least he was a laugh. Actually just decided the new woman is like a stepford wife.....
With the absence of Molton Brown you'd think they'd be pushing another brand of shower & bath goodies.
Did anyone hear, in the earlier show,the Philosophy guest pronouncing Borage oil as Bor-Age oil?Ali Y was soon on her case telling her the correct way to pronounce it!
I used to be a huge fan of the phiilosophy shows when Lee was there but not now, The only product i really like is the pure grace perfume and shower gel.
I think the range they show is so limited and it's only when you go into the supermarket and see the copy shower gels(that smell just as good) that you realise how overpriced they are. Butterfly was spot on Robyn is just like a steptford wife and is quite an unispiring guest. Bring Lee back!!!
tis true philosophy has always been my fav brand but to be honest i am all philosophied out..
i find it uninspiring and dull even and enen though i like amazing and pure grace its starting to irritate me. i am still using my tsv from last year as i cannot bear it anymore!:sleepy:
i thinks its overpriced, during the last few months i have started buying asda nirvana range and guess what my skin has not dried out fallen off and i dont look hideous and my bank balance is better for it and £2.50 for 500ml gel and their ultra moist normally a fiver is half price so dont listen to the hype the supermarket stuff aint half bad afterall and despite what they say its not all rubbish look at the ingredients and compare not so different
However, Mum bought a set of gels to give as presents and the little sayings on the bottles made them unsuitable as gifts!

I'm glad it's just not me that thinks that about the sayings. You can't see them closely on screen but I saw them in a shop and I was a bit taken aback - I don't know if the company is owned by a Christian organisation? It would now make me wary of ordering Philosophy to give as a gift. None of my family/friends are Christians so it might look as though I am taking the mick out of them :confused2:.

I was also disappointed with the new sets (Cookies & Tea Party) as I thought for the money they were quite small sizes. My money is safe for now :yawn2:
i thinks its overpriced, during the last few months i have started buying asda nirvana range and guess what my skin has not dried out fallen off and i dont look hideous and my bank balance is better for it and £2.50 for 500ml gel and their ultra moist normally a fiver is half price so dont listen to the hype the supermarket stuff aint half bad afterall and despite what they say its not all rubbish look at the ingredients and compare not so different

I think you've hit the nail on the head. We have been told for so long that every ingredient in the evil high street bands will make our skin dry etc, that we've started to believe it. Most products on the high st now have shea butter and ingredients like that and as you say when you look at the price it's definitely worth switching.
You ladies are so spot on, just looked at the Philosophy show for about the third time today thinking I may be tempted only to see Franksey and her usual ott on the value, this time it was 3 body butters, tubes app normally £24 each !!, now 3 for £53 (incl the high postage ) sweet baby jesus, who is going to pay this, plus its the same old grace, dull, dull dull...grhhh, oh and as for the poe faced womean they have flown over from America, whoop de doo, she is like a robot, never thought I missed Lee but at least he was a laugh. Actually just decided the new woman is like a stepford wife.....
At least she's bought a new cardigan now!!
there's definitly something creepy about the way she speaks about "Christina". Maybe Christina created Robyn in her laboratory to go and spread the Philosophy...In fact maybe that's what the "philosophies" are all about, its just some kind of creepy cult...Or am I getting carried away? :tongue2:
there's definitly something creepy about the way she speaks about "Christina". Maybe Christina created Robyn in her laboratory to go and spread the Philosophy...In fact maybe that's what the "philosophies" are all about, its just some kind of creepy cult...Or am I getting carried away? :tongue2:

i laughed so much i had tears running down my face reading this:grin::grin::grin:
Love Philiosophy, use the skincare daily and quite like the frgrances. But I never watch the shows, I just can't watch Robyn and I think she has been sent as a punishment at least that is what she makes me feel. As a result I haven't bought anything for ages, I've got quite a stockpile and I am still working my way down the huge size of Purity so i suppose I don't need to buy anything. The sales figures must be going down.
I totally agree with everything so far. Lee good. Robyn bad. Philosophy boring. Supermarket brands ok.

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