Do stick your head above the parapet next time you see people on here criticising Peter Simon or Jeremy Edwards for regurgitating the contrived histories brands like "Duchamp" and "Swan & Edgar" put on their websites then, my friend

Cos, me? I'm all about fair play/consistency - if it's unreasonable for Selly Telly presenters to sit flogging far east watches under assumed heritage, I see no reason why anything else is an exception. People being asked to pay above-rate prices for a cheap fan
because it has a formerly-defunct British brand name slapped on are entitled to honesty too.
Sell things, by all means... but
sell them for what they are, not what they're not.
If you're going to be flogging people stuff under the guise of "heritage" and "a name they can trust" it's not unreasonable to expect that to be backed up — neither of those claims has
diddly squat to do with the company who owns the band name now.