Liz Earle TSV 19/05/24


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Not directly related to the TSV obviously, but did you see the long article this week about Liz Earle (the person), promoting her new book about how she re-invented herself in her 50s? Reading about the routines she follows and, sorry to say, her self-indulgent lifestyle, it’s so far removed from probably most people’s daily lives (including my own), you just despair. It’s all this hippy, communing with the Earth sort of thing, throwing open windows, drinking salty water, this and that supplement, tongue-scraping, balancing on one leg, sleep rituals, early morning dips in her garden pond (breaking the ice on top if necessary) then “warming by the stove of her shepherd’s hut”. At 60 years of age and divorced from the kids’ father, she now has a new man in his early 40s - good luck with that.

Sorry to be so scathing. I suppose I should just admire her for what she’s achieved but I can’t stand this sort of smug “guidance” handed down to others on how to have the perfect life (at least as it’s portrayed) from people in a privileged, usually moneyed, position, however hard they’ve worked for it.
Has she got divorced again ? She divorced in her early thirties I think then she got married again and had another child in her late forties.

To be fair Liz has always had a bit of a smugness about her. I think her and her Co founder friend just tapped into a niche that was there in the early 1990’s and sized on it. Would they be so successful today with their rage? I would say that they would have had a hard job breaking through.

I recall Deborah Meaden on Dragon’s Den saying to a potential entrepreneur that the skincare market is heavily saturated. She was in the right place at the right time and broke lucky! I still love C&P though 😊
I have found that article and yes it does say she divorced in 2020 - so that’s two divorces then!

If you go to her own LizLoves well-being website Liz promotes various other skincare brands but not a single one from her old company - odd that 😕 if she is so proud of what she created why would she not continue to promote even just one product from it?
Liz Earle 4 Piece Collection TSV 19/05/24
100ml Superskin Cleansing Balm RRP £39 + post
75ml Superskin Moisturiser RRP £67.50 + post
100ml Cleanse & Polish RRP £20 + post
200ml Instant Boost Skin Tonic RRP £18 + post

Total RRP £144.50 + post


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I enjoyed the readers’ comments most of all. My favourite just said “Jesus!” 😂😆😂
Where can I have a read of the article - and amusing comments - please!

I do find her incredibly smug and sanctimonious and have a real problem with her promotion of The Lightning Process for her daughter Lily’s illness(es) - amongst other completely unproven supplements etc…
Liz made it big back in the 90s when she was brought in to encourage (make that push), Lorraine Kelly to lose weight on the latter's TV show. I remember she then had an afternoon show on ITV, all healthy eating and her children pushed into the fore.

Way back, I remember an article about her first divorce in one of the newspapers. Seems a male friend who worked with her and thought he was close to her according to the paper thought he was going to be the next Mr Liz Earle. But she turned around and married someone else. You will never find anything about her first husband online, as if he has been airbrushed out of her history.

Liz Earle needs to go back to basics.
You don’t need hundreds of products.
Superskin range is good.
Wouldn’t touch the reformulated skin repair, new gel cleanser isn’t anything special.
They’ve butchered the shampoo looking at the reviews.
Blame Boots, who own the brand and since buying from Avon have pushed new products and reformulated the originals. Look at Boots own brand No7, they are always coming out with something new. They have the idea that the public just get bored and move on to another brand.
The only thing that I use of LE is the C&P because it is top notch and nothing really comes close. The Adi Lacura one is a very close second!

I remember Liz had that afternoon show. And it was presented from her home in London and it was all very holier than thou.

Liz Earle portrays this perfect lifestyle but in truth behind closed doors I don’t think it is. All smoke and mirrors comes to mind. No one’s life is so perfect. We all have our troubles and burdens.

In truth the fact is she has a book to sell, so of course she is going to give it max spiel.

Interesting though from the article is that the farm that she bought after selling out to Avon was sold, so maybe husband No2. has taken a considerable slice of her fortune! Which brings me back comfortably to the book - she needs the income from it to bolster / shore up her finances again.

All that glitters……

Where can I have a read of the article - and amusing comments - please!

I do find her incredibly smug and sanctimonious and have a real problem with her promotion of The Lightning Process for her daughter Lily’s illness(es) - amongst other completely unproven supplements etc…

Try typing into Google

“Liz Earle the person”

and it will be a Hello! Article and to continue reading just dump any email address in with a password to bypass the “continue reading” bit.

Liz Earle 4 Piece Collection TSV 19/05/24
100ml Superskin Cleansing Balm RRP £39 + post
75ml Superskin Moisturiser RRP £67.50 + post
100ml Cleanse & Polish RRP £20 + post
200ml Instant Boost Skin Tonic RRP £18 + post

Total RRP £144.50 + post
Thanks for posting SCW..
I love the new balm and have two unopened I got for around £21 when boots had that great offer. I use Aldi hot cloth cleanser, have a stash of IBST and bought two Superskin moisturisers from LE half price sale. So I don’t need this set. But I am going to the LE website as it’s the last day of the sale and I might get a tub of the new moisturiser.
Where can I have a read of the article - and amusing comments - please!

I do find her incredibly smug and sanctimonious and have a real problem with her promotion of The Lightning Process for her daughter Lily’s illness(es) - amongst other completely unproven supplements etc…
This is the article I was referring to, TLL. It may come up in full or, if it’s behind a paywall, you can sign up for unpaid subscription where you get a couple of free articles a week.
from the outset i could see it was never going to be the 2 new ones,
It’s a shame really, as they did a TSV with the new glow products… and I was daft enough to buy it 😂 so seriously can’t see why they wouldn’t do the same with the new Superskin products. Both products with a small C&P and IBST. But…it is saving me money and I do have some superskin in the stash cupboard so will wait until boots do another good offer.

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