Oh dear Ophelia


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Let's face it, everyone in a TV advert lives in a show house with perfectly painted walls which looks impeccably comfortable with pets that are groomed, fluffy and not making a mess - and the same with the kids who are all cute and good looking and not irritating at all. Although I would have to say that does not hold for all the holiday adverts - my personal pet irritant is the one with very overweight kids. I do not think we should be normalising unhealthy obesity among youngsters in advertising which after all is aspirational. Any more than I want to see a messy rundown house when I'm being sold a product, even if it's more representative of real life.
I fear that she’s probably unsackable
She's sackable. If she doesn't sell enough to satisfy the quota QVC has set for all the presenters, she will go pronto. Jill Franks is another presenter who's likability is borderline due to her strange and erratic behavior, but she sells, so she's kept on the payroll.
Let's face it, everyone in a TV advert lives in a show house with perfectly painted walls which looks impeccably comfortable with pets that are groomed, fluffy and not making a mess - and the same with the kids who are all cute and good looking and not irritating at all. Although I would have to say that does not hold for all the holiday adverts - my personal pet irritant is the one with very overweight kids. I do not think we should be normalising unhealthy obesity among youngsters in advertising which after all is aspirational. Any more than I want to see a messy rundown house when I'm being sold a product, even if it's more representative of real life.
Overweight kids on an ad for an all-inclusive holiday suggest that there is no shortage of all you can eat food. This means a lot to some families whose kids have hollow legs.
Overweight kids on an ad for an all-inclusive holiday suggest that there is no shortage of all you can eat food. This means a lot to some families whose kids have hollow legs.
It didn't suggest that to me at all - no one gets that big in a couple of weeks! No problem with all inclusive holiday deals though, they are great for families.
It didn't suggest that to me at all - no one gets that big in a couple of weeks! No problem with all inclusive holiday deals though, they are great for families.
If it’s the ad I’m thinking of where a fat boy is nasty to his young sister when she drops her ice cream, it puts me off that sort of holiday. Imagine being in the pool at the same time as that little s-0-d.
It didn't suggest that to me at all - no one gets that big in a couple of weeks! No problem with all inclusive holiday deals though, they are great for families.
I think the boy in the ad is already chubby before the holiday starts and can look forward to stuffing his face throughout the next couple of weeks. The people who design the ads are crafty. They plant ideas in people's minds, and in this case, I think food and plenty of it is the idea they want to push. They don't give a thought to the seriousness of the epidemic of overweight children. All they care about is getting bodies to sign up for the holiday.
Very poor presenter imo. I have to turn her off. Maybe she appeals to the younger customers.
Are there any younger viewers? My daughters ( both in 20s) don’t watch it or their friends or buy from it unless it’s a brilliant deal not available elsewhere. Amazon is generally their go to and asos.

Every sane minded person will agree with you, but since the George Floyd event, society and advertising has gone into overdrive with diversity promotion. However, going down that road it shouldn't be done half heartedly where black and brown are pushed to the forefront, how many Chinese or Japanese presenters on tv in general do we see ? none that I can think of, so why not ? a happy balance should be struck.
I do not believe it works like that, giving people jobs based on their colour, gender or disability status. Diversity may be taken into account when two candidates are equally qualified and skilled for a position. Ophelia would not have been given the job, I believe because she is black but because those interviewing liked her youthful style. I cringe at her lack of vocabulary, poor grammar and articulation but perhaps they wanted diversity in regional accents? You have to prove your merit for the job before diversity. There are many white people who are not good at their jobs too.
Maybe they took her on in some half-hearted attempt appeal to younger shoppers? The trouble is everything about QVC is at least 20 years out of date. From the fashion and decor products, to the ordering and returns process, to the archaic website, to the majority of the presenters’ style of broadcasting. Taking on an inarticulate, ill at ease and inexperienced young host is not going to magic up many people under 50, let alone 30. QVC’s mission statement is as it always has been - same same same old. Presenters grow old there and I imagine the average customer age must be between 50 and 90. Young shoppers want fast moving and responsive shopping options, free (but not really a la Amazon) P&P, and decent incentives to buy. Not the pitiful People’s Friend classified attempts QVC offer. They also want to drive their own purchases. Not wait for some deadly dull presenter thirty years their senior to show them things one at a time. Let’s face it, being honest, I think a lot of us watch QVC and IW, in part, for company at times. Younger people, in general, aren’t craving that comfort.
I'm not quite sure what they can do to attract the younger shopper if that's what they want. I'd say that introducing more fashion that would appeal to a the younger shopper needs to be higher up on the list of priorities than getting young and streetwise presenters. It's all very well seeing a streetwise youngster dressed from head to foot in garish floral polyester to have them say "I ain't gonna lie - but I'm luvvin' this" 'cause a lie is obviously what it is! Also they need to get onto the young person's radar first. Not sure how they're going to do that unless they spend money on an advertising campaign that goes beyond the walls of QVC towers. They should stick to what they're good and that's ripping off us oldies lol!
I'm not quite sure what they can do to attract the younger shopper if that's what they want. I'd say that introducing more fashion that would appeal to a the younger shopper needs to be higher up on the list of priorities than getting young and streetwise presenters. It's all very well seeing a streetwise youngster dressed from head to foot in garish floral polyester to have them say "I ain't gonna lie - but I'm luvvin' this" 'cause a lie is obviously what it is! Also they need to get onto the young person's radar first. Not sure how they're going to do that unless they spend money on an advertising campaign that goes beyond the walls of QVC towers. They should stick to what they're good and that's ripping off us oldies lol!
Any idea how old Ophelia is? She looks young...late 20's early 30's? I don't think she wears her own clothes for work, so we've no hint what her own style really is. Now, I wonder if any of the women presenters wear their own clothes on air. If they did, they'd probably be inundated with questions on where they bought them.
Like I said before, there was a very slight improvement, which I'd imagine was the immediate result of some extra training/mentoring. I was hoping that she'd start running with the ball, but sadly this doesn't seem to have been the case. She has an adopted this very slow staccato way of speaking, and when she does make a mistake, it's even more obvious. During this presentation, she managed to suggest that the p&p was per order when she was trying to explain that if you buy an identical item you'll get it half price, yes, she corrected herself but she shouldn't really be making blunders like this . I wish she'd say Pence instead of P, and now she's started this annoying hair flick! I keep seeing her being slagged off on their facebook page. The other presenters would've said ...and let's face it who hasn't got towels that have seen better days? But no, she said sometimes yer towels are just knackered! I did laugh, but how unprofessional . Q really need to let her go - Good luck with that lol!
Well it shakes things up a bit 😆
If it’s the ad I’m thinking of where a fat boy is nasty to his young sister when she drops her ice cream, it puts me off that sort of holiday. Imagine being in the pool at the same time as that little s-0-d.
Plus the mother kicks off her flip flops and hits a bloke sat by the pool.
If my brother had been spiteful licking his ice cream when I'd dropped mine I would have shoved his in his face.😆😆
Any idea how old Ophelia is? She looks young...late 20's early 30's? I don't think she wears her own clothes for work, so we've no hint what her own style really is. Now, I wonder if any of the women presenters wear their own clothes on air. If they did, they'd probably be inundated with questions on where they bought them.
Jill Franks rarely wears QVC clothes, only when she’s presenting a TSV. If the TSV isn’t to her liking, she makes the excuse that they didn’t have a sample in her size. Remember the bulldog clips? lol!
If it’s the ad I’m thinking of where a fat boy is nasty to his young sister when she drops her ice cream, it puts me off that sort of holiday. Imagine being in the pool at the same time as that little s-0-d.
Talking of 'chubby' (overweight) children. Much as I loved watching Escape to the Chateux, I did wonder why the Strawbridges let their young son Arthur become so obese at such a young age. They have acres of grounds for him to run around in, yet he clearly didn't do much exercise.

She's sackable. If she doesn't sell enough to satisfy the quota QVC has set for all the presenters, she will go pronto. Jill Franks is another presenter who's likability is borderline due to her strange and erratic behavior, but she sells, so she's kept on the payroll.
I wondered if Franks was pi......ed the other night when she was on with Micael, she didn't stop wittering on about nothing, giggling unnecessarily and kept saying her usual "oh, you know what I'm like, they won't put us together anymore". Oh grow up Jill !

As for getting younger viewers, its not going to happen. QVC was born before the internet was in regular use, mobile phones were in their infancy, there was certainly no social media, and Julia Roberts was watchable. So apart from updating ways in how to order, the mantra has remained the same, the fashion has remained the same, and youngsters would rather stick pins in their eyes than admit they actually bought something from a shopping channel that 'old fogeys' like their Granny (certainly not Mums) buy from.
Now, the black woman who does the fashion stuff (ex-IW). Jackie, is it? Class act as an expert and host. If they are on some relentless box ticking exercise - then pick her, and not the incapable.
Oh I did not know that Jackie Joseph used to be on Ideal World. I do know that she is on Homes under the Hammer.
I’m not a fan of Ophelia but give the girl a break!
Their are much worse presenters on QVC particularly the two old dinosaurs(one of whom is just a selfish freebie merchant) and the third one who works mainly at night,who dosent even pretend to be interested in the products that she trys to sell.
Ophelia is doing her best and she is more preferable to the above 👍

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