Huh ! Being Off Air Didn't Last Long


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But as people on this forum has said if you dislike a family member then you keep away and when they die keep it simple.

I would call them bigger hypocrites if they did the whole Oh sob I miss you so much.

I have a friend her youngest daughter had a friend who was arrested for shoplifting loads of times. And as it turned out stole jewellery from my friend when in the house with the daughter, the gold jewellery one of which was friend's mother's diamond engagement ring. They could never prove anything even when the police came. But the thief had been in their house loads of times. So thief got called all the Cs of the day. Then about two years later she was found dead in a flat, overdose. Suddenly my friend was all oh the poor girl etc etc. I said, but she stole your mother's ring, but now she is dead its oh poor XXXX! I said she was a hypocrite just because XXXX had died did not change who she had been.
I wonder if Harry coming over for the funeral is a health risk, if he is in proximity to other members of the family. I read that there are loopholes (what a surprise) to allow international travel, and to leave quarantine for a funeral. NZ and Australia had reinfections caused by that and closed the loopholes. Maybe it would be better for him to attend via Zoom than come over at all?
I wonder if Harry coming over for the funeral is a health risk, if he is in proximity to other members of the family. I read that there are loopholes (what a surprise) to allow international travel, and to leave quarantine for a funeral. NZ and Australia had reinfections caused by that and closed the loopholes. Maybe it would be better for him to attend via Zoom than come over at all?
They know how much scrutiny they'll be under & if Hawwy didn't attend there would be those who would say he was an outcast blah, blah, blah. The royals will follow the guidelines to the letter & with distancing & masks there won't be much communication & even if he sees anyone privately he won't be giving them bear hugs. I imagine he'll arrive here at the end of the week & return to America immediately after the ceremony. I always thought she had an eye for the main chance but most disagreed with me, now I don't know anyone who has a good word about either of them.
They know how much scrutiny they'll be under & if Hawwy didn't attend there would be those who would say he was an outcast blah, blah, blah. The royals will follow the guidelines to the letter & with distancing & masks there won't be much communication & even if he sees anyone privately he won't be giving them bear hugs. I imagine he'll arrive here at the end of the week & return to America immediately after the ceremony. I always thought she had an eye for the main chance but most disagreed with me, now I don't know anyone who has a good word about either of them.
I think we all wanted it to work so much. I think she has been cast as the Yoko Ono, but I think that fundamentally Harry must have hated being in the BRF and bitterly resented having to leave the Army...and resented the family as a result.
I think being a celebrity, where you get to push back may suit his feelings and attitude better. Being in a Royal goldfish bowl where you "never explain, never complain" regardless of the criticism must be a hard gig, and tough on your mental health.
He's chosen what he believes is the right path for his little family unit. The bit I find unpalatable is his expectation that his dad, and by extension, the UK taxpayer continues to fund him. In my view no workie, no payie.
He’s quarantining for 5 days apparently when in the UK. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was Prince Philip’s personal request for him to be there to try to start bridge repairs. Harry will scarper the first second he can back to the US I bet.
Yep he will need to arrive today to get the 5 days in, he then has to test negative after those 5 days.
Blimey. Cold and distant to the max!
This message has Meghan's PR 'people' all over it.

"Thank You For Your Service" is what the Americans say to anyone serving in the US Military if they are out and about in uniform, which might be a nice thing to do here in the UK to not only our military but those in the NHS or Fire Service or the Police. However, more thought should have been given to a more thoughtful and warmer response, rather than just "he will be greatly missed". Harry hasn't lost his dog, its his Granddad who has died.

He’s quarantining for 5 days apparently when in the UK. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was Prince Philip’s personal request for him to be there to try to start bridge repairs. Harry will scarper the first second he can back to the US I bet.
Most commentators on the tele are saying about "bridge repairing" between Harry and his family, but honestly ? I cant see it happening. His bombshell interview was only last month, not 5 years ago, so its all a bit raw as to what was said. No doubt there could be a handshake greeting, but I cant imagine there will be hugs all around.

Lets face it, if anyone in our own family spoke in a derogatory manner in public about the rest of us, we'd be wholly pissed off ! and the Royals aren't any different. So unless there is an almighty air clearing row I don't imagine bridge building to be on the agenda. More like uncomfortable silences, with Harry hotfooting it back to the US on the first available plane.
They would have arranged the funeral date to accommodate this.
Quarantine is 10 days with a pre-test and pre-booked (I think) after 5 days.
As a non-UK resident, presumably he will have to use a quarantine hotel? Funeral is, from today, in 8 days time. I have heard reports Harry is already in UK, so should indeed manage most if not all of the quarantine period before 17 April.
I'm sure the BRF will be very careful about the "optics" of the visit, lest they add further fuel to the dumpster fire. It is sad that Harry's return for the funeral, and how he is received will get at least as much coverage as the funeral rites themselves.
Most commentators on the tele are saying about "bridge repairing" between Harry and his family, but honestly ? I cant see it happening. His bombshell interview was only last month, not 5 years ago, so its all a bit raw as to what was said. No doubt there could be a handshake greeting, but I cant imagine there will be hugs all around.

Lets face it, if anyone in our own family spoke in a derogatory manner in public about the rest of us, we'd be wholly pissed off ! and the Royals aren't any different. So unless there is an almighty air clearing row I don't imagine bridge building to be on the agenda. More like uncomfortable silences, with Harry hotfooting it back to the US on the first available plane.
Is shaking hands allowed? Everyone will be distanced, masks will be worn inside the chapel & above all else they know that they have to do what all other families have done over the last year. I imagine it will be uncomfortable to say the least. I can't call the death of a 99 year old man a tragedy, however, I think it's so sad that his final year was spent under this shadow & the Sussexes will always be blamed for that.
Surely he will keep his head down and return as soon as possible? xxxx
I think that he is likely going to be looking for and magnifying every perceived slight, aided and abetted by the media. I also think that his wife and US PR team will be scrutinizing how he is treated, and every twitch and expression on every BRF face.
I just hope the BRF training means they will sail through a difficult day without problems.

I would like to hope that there can be a reconciliation between Charles and Harry, and William and Harry, but if the price is to put Harry back on the payroll without doing any public work for the BRF, I would be outraged.
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I think that he is likely going to be looking for and magnifying every perceived slight, aided and abetted by the media. I also think that his wife and US PR team will be scrutinizing how he is treated, and every twitch and expression on every BRF face.
I just hope the BRF training means they will sail through a difficult day without problems.

I would like to hope that there can be a reconciliation between Charles and Harry, and William and Harry, but if the price is to put Harry back on the payroll without doing any public work for the BRF, I would be outraged.
I wonder how many of the RF will want to speak to him knowing full well that it could be the basis of another tell all interview or a Netflix behind the scenes drama starring the well known actress MM?
I wonder how many of the RF will want to speak to him knowing full well that it could be the basis of another tell all interview or a Netflix behind the scenes drama starring the well known actress MM?
I think for most of them, they can get away with platitudes and general enquiries about Meghan and Archie, and congratulations about their second baby. It might be more challenging to congratulate him on his jobs as they could be avenues to speak out. It could be tougher with the inner circle, because even if Harry was to respect confidentiality (not demonstrated so far) others around him are less restrained.

The BRF at this stage has become a bit of a freak show, and it would be kinder to them to put an end to it all and let everyone move forward privately. I don't think that will happen, sadly.
I can’t see anything other than a cool and formal reception at best for Harry. His father let him down? His sister in law made meg cry? Someone is racist? Spill all the bitterness out to the world? A right royal punchup could be on the cards if they start speaking their minds.
Once William had his own heir and spares there was no reason not to let Harry spend his career in the military if that was his wish. He’s just a mixed up twit who feels very sorry for himself.

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