Thank you Tyson. I do try to look after my nails & cuticles but to be honest they seem to do better when I ignore them! They get to a certain length, then either snap or tear..I came home from shopping on Monday with an index fingernail ripped almost all the way across - pained me it did as that was the best one on that hand! I've been using Milagro as recommended by Clemenzina on here a few months ago, plus I ordered the Perfect Moisture from QVC and use that at night, and during the day I've got a few different things I pop on..Vit E oil, Nu-Nale, Barielle etc etc and I use lashings of hand cream...none of it so far has made a great deal of difference..they get to about 1/8" of free edge and that's it, I lose them. I use a Trind glass file, nothing else for about a month, but still the nails break down at the side where they're still attached to my skin - ouch! I'm sure I'd be a wonderful study case for someone! But thanks for all your tips, I will take them on board!