"Winter Trax"?


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Caught CHuntley demonstrating this yesterday and thought it would be a great idea for older members of the family during the winter months. And promptly forgot all about it :tongue:

Anyhoo, while watching CR gurn his way through a Christmas hour in a toddler's t-shirt Winter Trax was again hawked to us viewing public. As I again decided these would be my next buy from Le Q, the guest (Leonie?) referred to the products as "Yak Trax", then speedily corrected herself.

Being the suspicious git that I am, I googled "Yak Trax", and found that they are a product remarkably similar to "Winter Trax". Also, Amazon do them, and the cost works out cheaper for 2 sets than it does for QVC's version (including the postage).

So thanks, Leonie: you saved me some cash! :clapping:
Thanks for that HC, was wracking (Yakking?) my brains trying to remember what they were called so I could search on Amazon .
A word of caution ladies. I too thought that these were very expensive last winter when they were on QVC so started looking on the Bay and found some identical ones, they probably were the Yaktrax ones but not sure.

I don't know about you lot but I am terrified of slipping in the snow and I have a steep path to my house so I really needed to get these once I heard of them.

Anyway I bought the two pairs and gave my daughter one pair. They were a Godsend but there was a slight design fault in that they didn't have the tongue and loop cross strap. I notice that these new ones on QVC do have it and they will no doubt be much better. My old ones kept on pinging off all the time. The cross strap should prevent this.

I had a pair years ago in the 80's but they were grey rubber and more conspicuous but the black ones are great.

Falling over in the snow isn't just embarrassing, it can be very very dangerous so don't any of you worry about your street cred in these things. Your safety is what matters.
I bought the cheaper ones from QVC £12+ for one pair, they have spikes on the bottom. You get spare spikes but I didn't have to replace any. Know what? Best thing ever from QVC! Last winter I was able to walk out with confidence and no slipping even in the deep snow and perma ice we had. So many people stopped me asking where I got them. Now other shops sold them ASDA,sports shops and a camping store but all out of stock and didn't get them in again until after the new year. They are not glamous and I am sure I looked totally fab with DM boots thick socks and these clamped on. But hell I was able to get around as normal.
I'm buying these. Last winter I fell down the stairs and tore a muscle in my thigh. It was agony and it took about two weeks before I could get around again. And it happened just before it snowed in early December so I was absolutely housebound until the snow went. I was really worried about falling over and doing more damage to my leg. It took almost three months for me to be pain free after that fall.
i have these donna they are the first ones that qvc sold black rubber with blue spikes. very very good.
i did move a little like i was going to slip once but they are a godsend.been usin them for years.
the thought of falling would leave me housebound as i cannot afford to slip.
I thaught these were such a good idea and meant to buy some last year for my mum and uncle who are both a bit unsteady on thier feet especialy mum who lives in a rural area and gets compleatly forgoten about by the council when it comes to gritting, i orderd 2 sets as i will be hevily pregnant come dec/jan and my hubby does alot of patroling at work at night. Very expensive i must admit but hopefully well worth it
I also noticed the slip of the tongue (even though I don't watch QVC these days LOL), followed by a quick correction!

It reminded me of a male presenter years ago (Dale I think) who said "In an ideal world you ...." then grimaced and said "Wash my mouth out with soap" lol.

I have a pair of these, the spiky ones. They don't have the cross strap, so I use a piece of string around the top of my shoe, tied in a bow. There is probably a better method, but I did this quickly after one came off my shoe.

They are extremely effective in the snow and ice.
I have two pairs of the Get-a-grips (with spikes), and they're brilliant. I've recommended them to everyone, even complete strangers I see slithering all over the pavement. I honestly think they should be distributed free in doctors' surgeries! I bought a pair of YakTrax from Amazon just as spares last year, but haven't got round to using them yet.
Qvc used to sell them under the name of Yaktrax but then they now sell the updated version Wintertax.
I have the get-a-grip ones with the blue spikes,had them for a few years now and they are the best thing I ever bought from qvc.I have a long walk to work and these have been fantastic helping me to get around on the ice in winter when everyone is slipping and sliding around, I even bought a spare pair just in case but still using my original ones. they are worth every penny.
I have them too and have to agree with what everyone has said. They are my best ever purchase from QVC.:clapping::clapping:
I have them too and have to agree with what everyone has said. They are my best ever purchase from QVC.:clapping::clapping:

Mine too. I have 2 pairs and I've bought them for my mum and sister. I bought my first pair years ago when they were the spike ones. I do think the newer ones are easier to get on and off.
Defiantely a great purchase from QVC. The whole family have them & a godsend for my elderly Father. :clapping::clapping:
I totally agree, although they were flogging these within an inch of their spiky life, I used them last year, it never snows in Jersey..well until last year so no gritting!

I once broke my wrist falling on ice (it was Christmas Eve - ahem) and I've been paranoid ever since! (I still remember my Dad telling me how I'd spoiled Christmas by spending it in Nottingham University hospital - shudder, I was 25!).

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