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Help Support ShoppingTelly:

We have all over the years been dazzled by QVC and the wonder products they sell.

Truth, no they will not get rid of lines and wrinkles you already have.  No there is no such thing as a facelift in a bottle.  If these products existed then plastic surgery would disappear and there would be only one cream as that is all you would need as it did everything.

Find a brand you like and enjoy using(the secret is to use something, its better than nothing).  Example just look at those little old ladies from some far flung places.  They look 90 years old but in fact are usually only around 40 or even younger!!!!    All those ads in magazines are photo shopped, false eyelashes inserted etc.   The face cream will not make you look like the 20 year old model in the ad.    Women are force feed a diet by newspapers and magazines of these wonder products which we must use, women who look older than 30 should not be seen in public going by some of them.

You have dark circles, wrinkles.  Are people in the street stopping to point at you and scream how awful you look?    I bet not.   We are our own worst enemy.

AY,Keeley,Fiona,Andrew etc are not your friends.  They are there to sell as much product as they can, you are paying their wages nothing more.
