Well something isn't right somewhere about this whole matter! Ballantyne wouldn't just leave QVC. If I'm not mistaken, Graham from this site interviewed him not so long ago and Ballantyne gave clear indication of his intentions to stick around. I think QVC is trying to save a few quid and their (assumed) putting Ballantyne and Greewood on garden leave is simply a way to facilitate their departure in a low key manner. Far be it from QVC to admit to declining profits. You know what they are like. Every thing is always glossed over and presented in the most positive light. Another possibility is that the matter may be going through legal action. That may be another explanation for the silence. It's unlikely though. My gut feeling is that QVC are trying to save a few quid to balance out their books and would rather not admit to facing such a challenge. One only has to look at the recent changes (increased hard sell, increased easy pay, fewer innovative / new products, far less jewellery / expensive things ), all of which smack of desperation.