What does Philosophy Pure Grace smell like?


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Please can someone tell me how Pure Grace compares to the other graces as in is it more subtle or similar. I like Amazing Grace and love the Inner Grace too but whats Pure Grace like. Thanks. Not keen on Baby <a href="http://plugin.smileycentral.com/http%253A%252F%252Fwww.smileycentral.com%252F%253Fpartner%253DZSzeb008%255FZNxpt211YYGB%2526i%253D15%252F15%255F5%255F10%2526feat%253Dprof/page.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/15/15_5_10.gif" alt="SmileyCentral.com" border="0"><img border="0" src="http://plugin.smileycentral.com/http%253A%252F%252Fimgfarm%252Ecom%252Fimages%252Fnocache%252Ftr%252Ffw%252Fsmiley%252Fsocial%252Egif%253Fi%253D15%252F15_5_10%2526uiv%253D3.0/image.gif"></a>Grace as it smells too much like talcom powder.
I think it's more subtle - but strangely I have to agree with what they say during presentations in that it smells 'clean'. It's just a really nice fresh scent and I'm like you, I love Inner Grace, Amazing Grace but not Baby Grace if that helps. It's perfect for summer cos it's not too overpowering but you just smell 'fresh'. Not to the point where you smell like a newly washed sheet but definitely clean. If only you could do 'scratch n sniff' on the television..... Probably not much help there am I?:thinking2:
I think it's more subtle - but strangely I have to agree with what they say during presentations in that it smells 'clean'. It's just a really nice fresh scent and I'm like you, I love Inner Grace, Amazing Grace but not Baby Grace if that helps. It's perfect for summer cos it's not too overpowering but you just smell 'fresh'. Not to the point where you smell like a newly washed sheet but definitely clean. If only you could do 'scratch n sniff' on the television..... Probably not much help there am I?:thinking2:

Thank you Aragorn. You are helpful yes you are! I know what you mean it smells fresh, sounds just what I am looking for as want it for the daytime. as long as its not like Talcom powder like the baby one. I ordered the TSv in the Amazing Grace option that big kit with the big bottle of fragrance and loved it with the buffing wash. Im thinking of getting another and trying the Pure Grace you see, so it is actaully different then to the Amazing isnt it, so it would be more subtle then Amazing. Is there any floral note in it?
That's the ones I buy - they're fab only the shower gels make me itch so I sell 'em on Ebay! I've dug out the box and it rambles on about "the clean smell of soap and water, cotton sheets, snowy winter nights (eh?), the white t-shirt". Bizarrely when you smell it, it makes sense. I don't think it's got any floral notes - just clean soapy notes. I'm afraid to say if you like Amazing Grace then you would probably like this because someone else probably loves AG, but hates PG with a passion. We should set up an ST service whereby people spray an envelope with the fragrance in question and then post it to whoever wants to know! I'm always wondering about Tova fragrances and what they smell like.
I have tried and tried to get on with pure grace as I love the idea of this "clean sheets/fresh linen" but I smell nothing apart from fresh air - I feel as if I am smelling water on my skin!
Sometimes I get a whiff of mild lemon, which is pleasant, but then nothing, it lasts literally seconds on my skin.
A few years back I managed to get hold of pure grace in rollerball form and in solid form and these were very gentle smells, like a very mild fabric softener, inoffensive and just what I wanted but again very elusive and I would have to chase the fragrance up my arm to get hold of it at all.
I find that AG lasts longer, IG lasts longer still (but then it is an EDP) and BG lasts the longest - bizarrely I could never get on with BG, I couldn't bear that cloying palma violets, but now I love it. You could always look on ebay to try - I think that there is a small bottle of pure which is less than £10 inc p+p at the moment. Hope that helps
Thanks Jan I am going to have a wiff tomorrow when i go to town and meet my friend, she has not long contacted me to make a plan so will pop into John lewis and have a good squirt!!!
Thanks Jan I am going to have a wiff tomorrow when i go to town and meet my friend, she has not long contacted me to make a plan so will pop into John lewis and have a good squirt!!!

That's what I did with BG, again in JL, I squirted away so much that I had to go into the ladies to take my coat off so that I looked a bit different! Good luck with it!
pure grace was the first tsv that philosophy ever did and it was soooo special.
the box was huge like a boot box.pure luxury with all the best that philosophy had to offer. i remember going to space nk they could not believe the value.
dont like baby grace smells of parma violets very sickly sweet.
i go back and forth with pure and amazing though!
never liked falling in love or the other one just not that nice.
I LOVE Pure Grace, I don't mind AG, but find that a bit sweeter than PG. I also like IG for evenings. I've never had so many complements on a perfume, as I've had with PG. I have the roll on too, & it's great for your handbag.
I always spray my wrists & then whatever top I'm wearing & I have no problems with it lasting at all.
It's similar to the CLEAN line of fragrances, if you've ever tried them. Most of them are fresh smelling, but PG is still my fave!:clapping:
I LOVE Pure Grace, I don't mind AG, but find that a bit sweeter than PG. I also like IG for evenings. I've never had so many complements on a perfume, as I've had with PG. I have the roll on too, & it's great for your handbag.
I always spray my wrists & then whatever top I'm wearing & I have no problems with it lasting at all.
It's similar to the CLEAN line of fragrances, if you've ever tried them. Most of them are fresh smelling, but PG is still my fave!:clapping:

Thank you meemoo, thats really helped in that you say its not as sweet as Amazing grace. What a good idea to spray iton your clothes. do you think its okay to spray near your hair? Think i am going to like it. i too agree inner Grace for evening.
To me - the scent is like strong soap. Aeriel soap powder. It is a very 'clean' smell - but to me does smell like detergent.
Perfume is such an individual thing! Someone at work wears what must be Eau de TomCat. I have never said a word but I think whatever it is stinks - I have heard lots of people comment on how lovely her perfume is.
I must have a dodgy hooter!
It is a very personal thing, all these lovely perfumes, I mean as in skin type. :rock: I only wore ~Grace~ once and my son came in and asked if the cat had pee'd somewhere, (to me it smelt of stale soap) :confused2: I soon cottoned on it was me smelling bad! It got sent back to qvc pronto...yet I love to use, and the smell of ~Amazing Grace~, which is fine. Have used Tova Signature for years, I love it and do get the occasional request about it, in a favourable way!

Off to get ready now and meet my friend so will have a good sniff in town and spray it all over! Fingers crossed it will smell nice!
To me - the scent is like strong soap. Aeriel soap powder. It is a very 'clean' smell - but to me does smell like detergent.
Perfume is such an individual thing! Someone at work wears what must be Eau de TomCat. I have never said a word but I think whatever it is stinks - I have heard lots of people comment on how lovely her perfume is.
I must have a dodgy hooter!

No Snuffles. We all smell things differently. Sure wasn't I only getting a stewed tea smell from the L'Occitane TSV. Other peeps are getting the citrus hit.

I once got a lift from a girl who thought her perfume was lovely. Unfortunately I had to travel home with my head literally - yes literally - stuck out of the window as I thought I was going to vomit. I'm heaving right now :puke:
Please can someone tell me how Pure Grace compares to the other graces as in is it more subtle or similar. I like Amazing Grace and love the Inner Grace too but whats Pure Grace like. Thanks. Not keen on Baby <a href="http://plugin.smileycentral.com/http%253A%252F%252Fwww.smileycentral.com%252F%253Fpartner%253DZSzeb008%255FZNxpt211YYGB%2526i%253D15%252F15%255F5%255F10%2526feat%253Dprof/page.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/15/15_5_10.gif" alt="SmileyCentral.com" border="0"><img border="0" src="http://plugin.smileycentral.com/http%253A%252F%252Fimgfarm%252Ecom%252Fimages%252Fnocache%252Ftr%252Ffw%252Fsmiley%252Fsocial%252Egif%253Fi%253D15%252F15_5_10%2526uiv%253D3.0/image.gif"></a>Grace as it smells too much like talcom powder.

Personally, I think the whole Philosophy perfume range smells like baby sick - LOVE the moisturiser though :tongue2:
I can always help you aragorn with the Tova Fragrances.

Off to get ready now and meet my friend so will have a good sniff in town and spray it all over! Fingers crossed it will smell nice!

Have you decided if you like it then? Decisions decisions..... I remember from another thread that you buy Tova fragrances because you were saying there was a new one I think. Is there one that you would recommend as a first purchase?
If you've ever been to the Venetian in Vegas I'm pretty sure they pump it through their air conditioning. First time I smelled it I was right back there - bizarre. I love it though.

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