What a pain to read reviews


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Feb 21, 2011
Plymouth, Devon
I decided to read the reviews of the Archos 48 as I had been tempted to get one before I went into my QVC therapy.


There are 48 reviews spread over 12 pages. BTW 3/4 of them are 1 star saying it is rubbish, although QVC is still selling them (probably all the returns).

But it is such a pain to read each page of the reviews.

Every time you click to read the next page, it takes you back to the top of the item details, so you have to work your way down through LOADS of guff to get to the next review. I gave up after 6 pages.
It annoys me too and I usually give up after only a couple of pages. Even more frustrating is marking a review as being helpful or unhelpful - if you click on "Return to product" afterwards, it takes you right back to the very first page of reviews so you have to sift through them all again to find where you left off.
I sort them 'Low to High' from the drop-down menu so I read the bad first.
If there are too many negatives I quit the page
Amazon do this quite well. They show you the best and worst side by side at the top, and then you click to see more of either.
love amazon. normally free postage. good brands, fast delivery,excellent return service and they allow you to say what you want on reviews....

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