Uncle Brasso's Children's Range


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QVC will issue their stock reply along the lines of we only sell imitation fur and do not sell real fur etc. They take the view that Basso can do as he likes as long as it isn`t in their back yard and people will still buy his coats from Q.
I'm surprised Q haven't suggested we buy DB's fabric coats, scarves and macs from QVC to outsell his fur business, thereby saving lots of cute furry animals! It's only a matter of time before the QVC spin doctors make buying his stuff from QVC a plus point!

(before you say it...I know you're all thinking Debbie Flint is the presenter most likely to use this as a sales pitch!)
I'm surprised Q haven't suggested we buy DB's fabric coats, scarves and macs from QVC to outsell his fur business, thereby saving lots of cute furry animals! It's only a matter of time before the QVC spin doctors make buying his stuff from QVC a plus point!

(before you say it...I know you're all thinking Debbie Flint is the presenter most likely to use this as a sales pitch!)

Ha ha if only that were true I`d buy half a dozen of his faux fur ones to keep him from slaughtering animals but knowing Basso he`d simply invest the money in paying more Chinese/Vietnamese mink/rabbit/fox farmers to breed yet more poor animals for yet more fur coats.
There's no need for real fur now that imitation is so good but, sadly, all the time there is a market, people will keep supplying to fill it - and make a fortune in the process. Either fur needs to be banned at a government level to stop the trade or people need to be educated as to how cruel the fur trade is. It's a shame but a lot of people just don't care :(
Someone posted this article on Q's FB page, but Q has removed the article and all the subsequent comments. Their reason, they say, is that they don't consider their page a place for "political discussion". It's clearly a place for utter hypocrisy though.

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