"Cant you just put the USB in to the computer and save?
Would you recommend the USB recording for a 2nd TV?"
Hi Bluebell. We tried it again this morning on a different computer and using Windows 7 - don't know if that makes a difference. It seemed to be different options that came up but we eventually got the message that it couldn't find the path which seems to involve a program called Kontiki. Not knowing what that is I read the PC Doctor's blog and there is an article about Sky by Broadband which apparently uses Kontiki and apparently Kontiki allows other computers to access your computer. There is no way I would go down that road so it means that we don't seem to be able to save or view the recordings on anything other than the TV. If you are going to view the recordings and then delete them then it works fine but if, like us, you have some you don't want to delete, that might cause problems depending on the capacity of the hard drive. If anyone has the Humax and knows the way round this I would be really grateful for instructions on what to do and it might help you to come to a decision Bluebell.