Titanic jewellery


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Is it me, or is it quite weird and morbid to commemorate and celebrate a disaster that killed lots of people?? :-/

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
Now you put it like that, yes.

I think it all came about after the big blue pendant from Kate Winslet in the eponymous film.
And Greenwood ummm-ing and errrr-ing her way through it. You'd think she would have got the hang of it by now.
I come from Belfast, and i find it weird people would want to wear jewellery that had anything to do
with the Titanic. They have built a whole centre here and you can get married and have your photos
taken beside a replica of the famous stairs. Seems wrong to be making money out of the jewellery
of people who were on it when it sank
Now you put it like that, yes.

I think it all came about after the big blue pendant from Kate Winslet in the eponymous film.

Have never seen it. It's top of my list of films never to watch!! But I can see how an actress has inspired this very odd line of memorabilia :rolleyes:

Yes its strange, shes like "A a a a a I really like this one" isnt she?

Like a true Scouser, ha ha!

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
I come from Belfast, and i find it weird people would want to wear jewellery that had anything to do
with the Titanic. They have built a whole centre here and you can get married and have your photos
taken beside a replica of the famous stairs. Seems wrong to be making money out of the jewellery
of people who were on it when it sank

I totally agree. When I lived in N.I I went to have a look at that huge Harland & Wolfe (is that what it's called?) crane on the docks and I felt quite eery. I couldn't think of anything worse than selling commemorative items based on a disaster. Again, 'celebrity' takes over the world and glamorises a truly horrific story. Hollywood to blame I guess. When I stop to think about it, it's in extremely bad taste.

What's next? Where do they draw the line? Is it only on Q that this tat is being sold, or do other places cash in on the Titanic disaster?

Edited to say: getting married on a mock up of a ship that tragically sunk killing all those people epitomises what's wrong with the stupid people of today.

Rant over!

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
I think i heard Debbie say she was looking up QVC in America, and a certain ring was so so popular there, so i guess thats
where its came from. The Americans have a love of Belfast. The Harland and Wolfe crane is still there and i think
the centre is built near there, haven"t seen it. My friend"s daughter got married in the centre, and they all dressed up
in 1920"s costumes and had their photos taken on the famous stairs. Weird i think. Can"t imagine why anyone would
want to buy the jewellery, and anyone making money from that disaster is beyond words to me !!!!!!!!!!!!
I resisted watching the film for years. I even had a VHS of it (bought when it came out, but never watched). Then it came out in 3D this year, so I watched it as I like 3D films.

It was much better than I expected, in fact, I thought it was a superbly made film.
I loved the film and I can see how people have got carried away by the romanticism of it all, almost forgetting the true tragedy that occurred. It's not for me though and when you think about it it's quite distasteful.
Is it me, or is it quite weird and morbid to commemorate and celebrate a disaster that killed lots of people?? :-/

Personally I find it tacky in the extreme - DG at one point used the word 'romantic', an odd choice perhaps for replica jewellery from a ship where over 1500 men, women & children met their terrifying & painful end when they froze to death in the icy waters, or were drowned.....yeah, real romantic. :down:
The whole thing for QVC, is not a commemoration but seems more of a celebration & of course a sales opportunity & that I find really quite distasteful.
Disasters, tragedies, wars and mans inhumanity to man will always be remembered. The holocaust, pearl harbour, the titanic, Burma railway to name but a few but trying to commemorate something by flogging jewellery is an all time low I think.
What next ? QVC flogging Japanese pearls to commemorate pearl harbour ? Burmese rubies to remember the 1000`s of POW`s who died there ? Gold jewellery in the name of the Jews who had their gold fillings pulled ?
Yep all of that sounds ridiculous, distasteful doesn`t it ? Well so does selling replica jewellery in the name of Titanic.
I'm from Belfast too. Went to the Titanic Experience last month with family over from Canada. Very interesting indeed. My great grandfather came over from Scotland in 1911 to work on the Titanic. In Belfast it was rarely spoken of after the sinking, there was such shame over the loss of life. Now, we say, 'We build her she was perfect when she left us. So that is a celebration of the massive task we did.

Anyway the gift shop had the jewellery, high end stuff reproduced as well as the tacky pendant all in the hundreds. They had a reproduced dinner service from the White Star line. Then the baseball caps, pins, coasters etc. People going nuts buying it.

Oh, I have never seen the movie, nor have I had any interest in seeing.
Well said, Vienna. I cannot imagine me wearing a Q Titanic ring and thinking 'pretty' when I look at it. Tragedies are to be 'observed' as we do on RemembranceDay, in my opinion. There is such a thing as Decency, QVC!
I have a particular interest in Titanic, as my grandfather was a steward on liners of that period, and could easily have been on it (he wasn't!). Titanic memorabilia has been around for years. There are those items such as postcards, posters, and things actually from the ship such as menu cards, letters written home etc. These are all very collectable and a rare postcard will set you back £100's. Then there have been things like bits of coal or wood, saw some of this on ebay years ago. The Leo/Kate film catapulted Titanic into a new orbit - hence new ranges of 'stuff' and, since the 100th anniversary, more and more!

I find Titanic interesting, but more as an historical 'snapshot' of the era, an era which was coming to an end. I have always been mindful of the tragedy - my mother's family came from Southampton and many, many crew were lost from that area (my grandfather could have been one of them!). I do find many of the items 'tacky' and certainly not 'romantic'. The romantic element is a sole product of the film, and nothing to do with the real tragedy.

For whatever reasons, Titanic fascinates and continues to do so, QVC are not the only ones who have cashed in over the years.

And no, I do not own any of the 'memorabilia'. The only items which interest me are those which belong in museums for all to see.
Disasters, tragedies, wars and mans inhumanity to man will always be remembered. The holocaust, pearl harbour, the titanic, Burma railway to name but a few but trying to commemorate something by flogging jewellery is an all time low I think.
What next ? QVC flogging Japanese pearls to commemorate pearl harbour ? Burmese rubies to remember the 1000`s of POW`s who died there ? Gold jewellery in the name of the Jews who had their gold fillings pulled ?
Yep all of that sounds ridiculous, distasteful doesn`t it ? Well so does selling replica jewellery in the name of Titanic.

Agree Vienna, appauling bad taste cashing in on tragedy flogging tacky trinkets.

Coming soon on QVC the Charlie Dimmock Tsunami Water Feature!

Baubles Bangles and Buboes...accessorise your LBD with Black Death jewellery

Jude xx
I can recall watching the "original" Titanic film called A Night To Remember back in the 1960's on the telly. The film was in black and white which somehow accentuated the stark terror of the ice cold water and darkness.

I think the selling of trinkets purporting to commemorate the disaster is a disgrace. What's next - an Artscape t-shirt showing a picture of the collapsed ruins of the World Trade Center to commemorate 9/11 ? Large Dinky-toy model of a mangled mercedes car with french number plates to commemorate Diana's death ? (we've already had "her" ring).

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