Thomas Kinkade Hour - Muttley, you didn't miss anything!


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Feb 16, 2015
Hmm, nothing new in the way of kitsch, painting-by-numbers prints on this show, was there, apart from being somewhat of a restrained presentation lacking Pope Pete's wonderful prose(?). Sorry to anyone who likes these TK prints, but I think they are awful, really chocolate-boxy and twee. Cannot believe the prices IW are asking - I'm just looking at one that's priced at £199.00 and they reckon £100 has been taken off. The alarm bells rang when they said the first print would be the cheapest of the lot, and it was £90!!! They must obviously only sell them to people who haven't looked on Ebay and seen the prices some of his work sells at secondhand, I just wonder how many people faint with shock when they've bought one and find out afterwards? Can't believe they are still implying that these prints are a good buy for the future - how so, I'd like to know? How many times did they emphasise that TK included the name or initial of his wife Nanette and tributes to his 4 daughters in the pictures? A load of hypocrisy and gush most of it seemed to be, with overly sickly emphasis on what a wonderful man TK was and how much of a family man. Obvious silence about the number of stories on the internet reporting instances of TK's reportedly bizarre behaviour in public, and the fact that Nanette's said to have filed for divorce 2 years before Kinkade's death. Muttley, hope you are feeling much better - you certainly didn't miss much tonight. PS: Just caught the Disney prints they are selling - £219 and £225!!, someone's got to be having a giraffe, and it isn't the one in the Disney painting, either!
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Hmm, nothing new in the way of kitsch, painting-by-numbers prints on this show, was there, apart from being somewhat of a restrained presentation lacking Pope Pete's wonderful prose(?). Sorry to anyone who likes these TK prints, but I think they are awful, really chocolate-boxy and twee. Cannot believe the prices IW are asking - I'm just looking at one that's priced at £199.00 and they reckon £100 has been taken off. The alarm bells rang when they said the first print would be the cheapest of the lot, and it was £90!!! They must obviously only sell them to people who haven't looked on Ebay and seen the prices some of his work sells at secondhand, I just wonder how many people faint with shock when they've bought one and find out afterwards? Can't believe they are still implying that these prints are a good buy for the future - how so, I'd like to know? How many times did they emphasise that TK included the name or initial of his wife Nanette and tributes to his 4 daughters in the pictures? A load of hypocrisy and gush most of it seemed to be, with overly sickly emphasis on what a wonderful man TK was and how much of a family man. Obvious silence about the number of stories on the internet reporting instances of TK's reportedly bizarre behaviour in public, and the fact that Nanette's said to have filed for divorce 2 years before Kinkade's death. Muttley, hope you are feeling much better - you certainly didn't miss much tonight. PS: Just caught the Disney prints they are selling - £219 and £225!!, someone's got to be having a giraffe, and it isn't the one in the Disney painting, either!

I thought I was still feeling rough but I read this and was nearly crying with laughter or shock at the prices! I am glad I did not watch, its not the same without the bow tie and checked jacket of Pope Pete!
Mutts, I'm still in shock from the prices - talk about pure profit, this was an illustration of it! Sorry to hear that you're still feeling unwell and hope you are taking it easy today - let the chores wait and get well soon. x
I thought I was still feeling rough but I read this and was nearly crying with laughter or shock at the prices! I am glad I did not watch, its not the same without the bow tie and checked jacket of Pope Pete!
I thought I was still feeling rough but I read this and was nearly crying with laughter or shock at the prices! I am glad I did not watch, its not the same without the bow tie and checked jacket of Pope Pete!

Aw Mutts, laughter is the best medicine that's why Boots have marketed the "Peter Simon flu remedy".........hope youre feeling better soon.
The tagline underneath the name says "just buy it", it's on sale and you lucky people can take it home for only £, no, that's 3 easy-pays of £2 each plus handling charge of £9.99 (because it's handed from the shop assistant's paws into your own) and it's also being peddled by a snake-oil salesman on a shopping channel coming into your home.. guaranteed to cure you, Mutts, or your money back.
Aw Mutts, laughter is the best medicine that's why Boots have marketed the "Peter Simon flu remedy".........hope youre feeling better soon.
The tagline underneath the name says "just buy it", it's on sale and you lucky people can take it home for only £, no, that's 3 easy-pays of £2 each plus handling charge of £9.99 (because it's handed from the shop assistant's paws into your own) and it's also being peddled by a snake-oil salesman on a shopping channel coming into your home.. guaranteed to cure you, Mutts, or your money back.

Yeh, imagine walking into Boots and saying "it's just two pound coins" er no! This ain't on flexi pay, two fivers or you can forget it!

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