The Furminator: item 823 731


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Jun 26, 2008
It's on at the moment with David (good afternoon to you madam) as a "luuuurve" surprise.

I can thorougly recommend it but I bought mine through that well known e-auction site. Cost me £14 including postage from the USA for the genuine item. My cat loves it (and I love my cat).

I got the large one via QVC. My cats are fussy buggers and I wasn't sure if they would like it (they turned out to be mad for it :heart:)
My cat HATES it. He will only let me get a few brushes in and then he swears at me something rotten and refuses to come anywhere near me until he sees me put it away!

I must have the only cat on the planet that doesn't like the furminator!!
My cat HATES it. He will only let me get a few brushes in and then he swears at me something rotten and refuses to come anywhere near me until he sees me put it away!

I must have the only cat on the planet that doesn't like the furminator!!

Oh no you haven't Catkins! Bix loathes it and runs if he sees it coming. I have had to hide it away as the very sight of it upsets him now. :down:
Are there any furminator dog fans out there please? Would love your opinions on this.
Are there any furminator dog fans out there please? Would love your opinions on this.

Yes my guide dog loves it and I use it on her regularly. It removes all her loose hairs and makes her coat feel really soft. She's a labrador, so does lose a lot of fur especially in the summer months.

I bought my furminator at a garden centre and it was loads more expensive than qvc (it is a v. large one) so, was mad when i saw the price!
I have a rescue border collie and a pug cross who both like it- my collie is a bit neurotic but tolerates it but, my puggle (shih-tzu cross) loves it! get loads of fur off and they feel so smooth and lush after.
I also have 2 cats who don't mind it they are quite aloof girls so, would never admit to loving anything! so the fact they permit themselves to be "furminated" shows it can't be that bad, although to me it feels quite sharp but, it's never hurt them just like a giant metal nit comb for furrys! did have a go at the hamster and the gerbil but they don't stay still long enough!
Basically if its furry its furminated in our house! (haven't got a hairy hubby or he wouldn't be safe either!)
I bought my furminator at a garden centre and it was loads more expensive than qvc (it is a v. large one) so, was mad when i saw the price!
I have a rescue border collie and a pug cross who both like it- my collie is a bit neurotic but tolerates it but, my puggle (shih-tzu cross) loves it! get loads of fur off and they feel so smooth and lush after.
I also have 2 cats who don't mind it they are quite aloof girls so, would never admit to loving anything! so the fact they permit themselves to be "furminated" shows it can't be that bad, although to me it feels quite sharp but, it's never hurt them just like a giant metal nit comb for furrys! did have a go at the hamster and the gerbil but they don't stay still long enough!
Basically if its furry its furminated in our house! (haven't got a hairy hubby or he wouldn't be safe either!)

Just out of interest (the football has started), does this mean your hubby is not hairy, or that you don't have a hubby who might be hairy if you had one ?

PS anyone tried the furminator on their own hair ?
do you think I would be able to use this on a border terrier?

:clapping:I have a border terrier too, I'm currently using a MARS comb (they are from Germany), but wondered if the furminator would be even better. Mine will not tolerate hand stripping!
I do get my dog hand stripped but at the moment he is casting but his coat isn't really ready for a full strip
They look just beautiful after hand stripping don't they?
I do my best with mine but can never get the ears stripped properly and I do love the contrast of the dark ears to the rest of them.
Great characters though.
Have a hubby but, he ain't that hairy Erix's mum!! if fact he seems to be getting balder by the week!
Lent my furminator to my mate who has a staffie and it works fine, its so surprising how much fur comes off my cats are smooth haired moggies and loads comes off, and i have my puggle clipped and there is still loads of fur removed, it's very satisfying bit like picking spots! (or maybe thats just me!)
I don't have any animals at present so have no experience of this product but can I just thank all who have contributed to this thread as it has given me such a good laugh - from trying to use the Furminator on a hamster, to fussy cats, aloof cats and cats who swear, to neurotic collies (I had one of those as a child)...all your animals sound fab. Thanks everyone, just what I needed to liven up a dull Sunday! :clapping::grin:
Are there any furminator dog fans out there please? Would love your opinions on this. basset lovees it & she rolls over at the sight of powder puff slinks its 50% in our house......
just as an add on...bough 2 from qvc the other week [ had my other for a year or two ] it home with the intention of selling them know where.......only to find that LOADS & LOADS on the auction site at much less than i had paid they went back week after.
My old Lab gives a big 'paws-up' for the Furminator too! :mysmilie_7:

She is a funny old thing so I wasn't expecting her to like it but amazingly she does! I bought it last month from you-know-where for under £11 (large size) - could have got it cheaper but I wanted fast delivery as she was suffering from the hot spell we had, it is brilliant every dog should have one! :mysmilie_848:
I orginally got one for my 15 y/o lady tabby who is a miserable as sin, now she was interesting. She adored it from day one and its changed her attitude towards everyone, shes so much happier with us as she was never a peoples cat but with gentle use and caring attitude while using it, about 2 years later, loves us all. My not too hairy but still longish furred turkish angora cat loves it but then he is as soft as mush. I highly recommend it for anyone/pet, I really do.

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