That Leighton Denny gets around, doesn't he?!


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That's quite funny that the journalists didn't recognise him, and they would have probably done anything to find out who he was.

I'm sure this is friends having dinner as he's always said he does Patsy's nails. Good detective work though!
I actually just felt compelled to leave a comment on the website after reading that. It probably won't get published and I will be left feelign soiled and besmirched after being on the Daily Mail website :giggle:

I am off to bathe myself in dettol now :wink:
Hilarious. Bet that ruins his day, no one in the press knowing who he is. Not such a big shot as La Q would have us believe eh.
Has it not been mentioned on his MyFaceSpaceTwitBook thing, or whatever it is he goes on?
But doesn't it just prove how vile some journalists are? no research, just gossip and innocent liaison turns into a so-called romance!
But doesn't it just prove how vile some journalists are? no research, just gossip and innocent liaison turns into a so-called romance!

That's how tabloids work, no research, just gossip, and lots of 'spin' and bias to make a point, or rather, 'create' a point. I've said it before and I'll say it again, these papers are comics, no more, no less, you only need to look at their political reportage to see that writerly skills and subject savvy are very low on their list of priorities. To me, they are like looking at news through a kaleidoscope - eye-catching and colourful, but ultimately distorted. I say this as someone who spent nearly 20 years working as a political journalist for the broadsheets both here and in the States.
Looks like Patsy's going to be disappointed in love one more time. Seriously though, why the need for secrecy and 2 taxis? Seems rather sad that she has to try and create intrigue.
Reading this made me chuckle! Bizarre that they don't know who he is when in the Daily Mail beauty pages his products are often featured! Maybe the beauty writers have never met him in person.

but is this not the whole point of "celebrity"? They have to keeo themselves in the paper, so any news coverage is good as it increases their profile?
Or am I just being cynical?
Well, by the look of his hamster cheeks - he enjoyed his meal !!!!!!! As for Mssss Kensit - she was probably just making yet another one of her famous "journeys " only this time by cab, and at least we dont have to listen about it,, gulp gulp sob sob !!

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