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Help Support ShoppingTelly:

My bank recently changed my debit card to a new company and so I went to my account on Rocks to delete the cancelled card and add the new one. ( The original card wasn't due to expire until later on this year but has now been cancelled by my bank in favour of the completely new one.) A simple enough task you would think. Not so! I have been told that Rocks cannot delete expired or cancelled cards and that they have to remain on their system for "audit purposes". I wasn't very happy about this, but was assured that it would not cause any problems.

However today I received an email from Rocks which informed me, "We are preparing to despatch your order number *****. Unfortunately, we have experienced a problem obtaining funds from the payment card ending in ****. We will try twice more, on the next two working days.

In the meantime, if you would like more information or would like to provide us with alternative card details, please do not hesitate to contact us."

I have not placed an order with Rocks for over a month now so have not checked anything out or given permission to debit my card. Furthermore, the card they have tried to debit is, yep you've guessed it, the cancelled card which "wouldn't be the cause of any problems"!!!

Needless to say, I have been in touch with CS at Rocks this morning to see what is going on and I have been told it is a computer error and they are working on it! It seems that the computer has randomly picked old orders and I have been told Rocks are aware of the problem.

I can't help wondering what would have happened if the card they had been  trying to debit had been a live card? When would the error have come to light? 

I would be much happier if debit and credit cards could be deleted as required and have not encountered this problem with any of the other internet companies I deal with. It was a simple task to update my card details in the "my account" section of M&S, Amazon,, Paypal, QVC, etc.

Anyhow, apologies for the long winded post but I felt I should flag this up to you all so that you can keep an eye on your bank and credit card statements just in case.
