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Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Im lucky to always have a full freezer and cupboards and certainly have enough to last 2 weeks comfortably and longer if not fussy about things but there must be people who work hard and are just outside benefits threshold who just can’t afford more than a weekly shop at a time.  Those are the ones I feel most sorry for as those on benefits will at least know the money will continue and aren’t under pressure to keep going to work.

The cynic in me thinks the government will “manage” this by survival of the strongest thus killing many birds with the one stone.

i went for a walk in the park this morning and passed a young couple pushing a child in a buggy.  The man spat on the ground which beside being a disgusting habit (why do they do this?) and a charming role model for child but  in light of the present situation who in their right mind would do this?  How will be ever stay safe with yobs like this.
