shopperholic, yes, they have been well on display over the past weeks! Main culprit = yes, Adina, that means you!. Unfortunately, Gems lost the only 2 presenters who could be relied on not to screech and shout - Fiona Egan and her partner, Scott Worsfold. Very sad, as Scott was a brilliant presenter, very funny and witty but also full of knowledge - he was good to listen to, even if you didn't want to buy. Steve Bennett should have moved the earth to keep him on side, but you got the feeling Scott had had enough of it. Sadly, the latest crop of presenters are not in the same league and several good 'long established' presenters - like Rae Carpenter and Ruth Linnett - get moved to Rocks, the American channel. Seems they are more anxious to keep the US channel on side, and Gems gets what's left (exception to this is Liv Edmunds, who is crazy as a box of frogs but a laugh and keeps the volume down).