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I tend to agree with VapidStoat & TheManWithNoName.

I've said it before but worth saying - as a lot have said on this forum (which is actually a balanced repository of grown up discussion about a corporate entity) - that I have bought Gems TV pieces with no regrets.  Lovely, distinctive and quite well made but they tend to be from 10 years ago (or so) when Steve, Scott and Rae Carpenter used to present.  That early education, though, has in a way come to bite Gems in the backside.  For example:

- Ethiopian Opals:  Might just be me but I've never thought that Gems' examples were particularly special - or TJC's for that matter.  I have some stunning loose ones but none from Gems or Gem Collector.  Just all a bit 'meh'.  Even their "Dark Opals" were a bit 2D in their colour play.

- Tanzanite: Over it, big time.  I've accepted that I missed the boat on this one.  Virtually impossible to get one that's truly pleochroic.  I know VapidStoat has railed against it 😀 but I'd rather have a deeply saturated cab of kyanite set in silver.

- Andalusite: I don't think that Gems has ever sold a decent example.  I have 4 loose 9x6 that are well cut and have colour play right across the stone.  Where did I get them?  TJC website and, guess what?  They only became available after they partnered with Tony Diniz who, of course, used to work with the Cavills at Rocks & Co.

- and last example (which TheManWithNoName commented on) Sunstone:  I like the even saturation of the pieces of "Serenite" from Gem Collector that I have in large sizes and cuts other than oval brilliant (don't get me started on that utterly overrated cut!!).  But the best, really pleochroic examples I have, with red & green, are Precision cut in Wales.  Even Gems' Lorique examples don't match them.

So, I am an example of what VapidStoat has said.  I shop around and check before.  Do I still buy?  Yes.  I have a lovely chunk of raw Dominican amber which - after checking other sellers - was actually a good price.  (And key for me - the one I saw in auction was the one I was going to get and not a virtual 'bait n switch' "all gems are natural and will vary" substitute.). And recently bought this (attached) from Jeff for £9.99.  Mad? Maybe but it's a fantastic key ring fob! 😀😀😀
