Stephanie Weightman


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Is she ever on? apart from the two hour shows on Tuesdays. They had all the big intros, her doing the promo, and yet she is so underused. Seems craft really is on the back burner now at QVC, they have lost so much ground havent they to the other side. Always been amused at Stephanies surname, anyone else see the irony?
Stephanie Weightman said on her show the other week, its been a hard year, and that she will be back on Wednesday 16th January, in her regular slot, where has Amy, and the other women who took over from DB gone, no where to be seen.
I know. You would think on run to Christmas that craft would have been featured more in the schedule.
Is she ever on? apart from the two hour shows on Tuesdays. They had all the big intros, her doing the promo, and yet she is so underused. Seems craft really is on the back burner now at QVC, they have lost so much ground havent they to the other side. Always been amused at Stephanies surname, anyone else see the irony?

No tell me the irony of her name tristar :wonder:
"Weighty Weightman" as I like to think of her.

The other one was Bibby's niece or something wasnt she? I'd have liked to have been a fly on the wall when she told the Bibster that she was having her job. Ha ha.

Is Bibbo still on IW? Is she still permanently tired?

Remember when she went on holiday and the rather dishy hubby pretended to lose his passport so he didnt have to come back with her? Ha ha
There used to be a crafty/cardmaking shop near me until last year when it closed as sales dropped right off. Whether the fad has died down a bit or its proving to be an expensive pastime in these hard times, who knows.
Her final Show of the Year was with Craig, he said well this is a quiet time in the year for Crafters, everybody who want craft stuff would have got it ages ago, to make there cards.

Seeing this thread has made me think though.

Did Dawn Bibby, leave because the TPTB said to her that they wanted to reduce the Crafting Department, andshe thought she would be better out of it.

Has there been a Craft Day, since she left I cant remember one, I know they have had like hour blocks.
"Weighty Weightman" as I like to think of her.

The other one was Bibby's niece or something wasnt she? I'd have liked to have been a fly on the wall when she told the Bibster that she was having her job. Ha ha.

Is Bibbo still on IW? Is she still permanently tired?

Remember when she went on holiday and the rather dishy hubby pretended to lose his passport so he didnt have to come back with her? Ha ha
I didn't particularly like Dawn but what a weasel her husband was if he did that. Doesn't say much for him as a person,
that he couldn't tell her to her face. Better of without him IMO
Well hoping Dawn is ok, I always thought of her as rather spoilt by JJ and over indulged by him, from what was said and infered. if she is ill and its not one of Bibby, Im tired of working cold type things, hope she is ok. However you feel aabout her, her controbution to crafting is huge, I mean how many must she have got introduced to a hobby which given them a real purpose, a real interest and hobby. When Bibby left, QVC crafting didnt know where to go and I thought when they landed Stephanie, it might have improved but they have kept her in the background all year.
Years ago the paraphernalia needed for card crafting was reasonable to buy, and it was obviously the 'next big thing' - then everyone jumped on the band wagon and prices rocketed, as we were persuaded to buy in bulk ! There was money to be made from selling the craft supplies as opposed to the cards themselves. Every craft fair had card makers fighting for space to sell their wares and suddenly the world was swamped with hand made cards, but sadly these home produced 'efforts' were a lot more expensive to buy than the ones from the Card Warehouse !

I used to love settling down for the day to watch Craft Days, but buying bundles of card stock in huge amounts for nearly £30 that I did'nt want, and die cutting machines for almost £200 (with accessories) became too much, and the hobby was whittled down to buying smaller amounts from the local craft shop (which has long since closed).

I've now diversified and use all my unused glitter, sequins, braiding and feathers in a more lucrative hobby, - making venetian-style masks !!!
"Weighty Weightman" as I like to think of her.

The other one was Bibby's niece or something wasnt she? I'd have liked to have been a fly on the wall when she told the Bibster that she was having her job. Ha ha.

Is Bibbo still on IW? Is she still permanently tired?

Remember when she went on holiday and the rather dishy hubby pretended to lose his passport so he didnt have to come back with her? Ha ha
The blackguard!! Is that because he was ashamed of her?? Why did he marry her then!?
The blackguard!! Is that because he was ashamed of her?? Why did he marry her then!?

Because she had a very successful business probably. He was a cutie, I was staggered when she first showed him off (for staggered read jealous!).

They went abroad to visit his parents, i think it was the US. When he first pulled the "lost passport" scam she was blogging all about it. I reckon he thought she was going to come back on her own, commitments etc, but she didnt. She stayed with him blogging every day about this supposedly lost passport. He must have been sweating it and in the end he must have realised the only way to get rid was to tell her. That's when the blogging stopped....

Very sad, but many people commented that if you spread your private life all over the web then no good will come of it. If she's ill I'm sorry to hear it, Tristar is right she did bring crafting to thousands of people. She was such a misery though!
She blogged this last week

Hello everyone,

Thank you for your messages and for asking after me which was very kind.

I am feeling stronger every day and hopefully will be back on your screens next month.
My absence is due to a mixture of total exhaustion and then picking up a viral infection on top, totally knocked me off my feet. However, as I said, I am "on the mend" now and still doing as I am told by my Doctor and enjoying lots of snuggles with my furry family.

Thank you for your concern, it really does mean a lot to me.

I am told that this weekend was a great success at the shop.
Thank you for your custom and apparently there were a lot of very happy people carrying lots of bags to their cars!
We also had a lot of requests to do it again so we have decided to extend the opportunity to come along and "Bag Yourself A Bargain." The shop will now also be open tomorrow and Tuesday (26th & 27th November) and then again next weekend. So if you weren't able to come along to the shop, or do want to come again, please do There are still bargains to be had and it would give you an opportunity to see the shop before it finally closes it's doors.

Also. please keep an eye on the website as we are putting the last few bargains on line and once they are gone, they will be gone.

Thank you again everyone.

Lots of love to you,
Hardly "serious" then. Just tired, but still peddling her wares from the sick bed..... quelle surprise!
Because she had a very successful business probably. He was a cutie, I was staggered when she first showed him off (for staggered read jealous!).

They went abroad to visit his parents, i think it was the US. When he first pulled the "lost passport" scam she was blogging all about it. I reckon he thought she was going to come back on her own, commitments etc, but she didnt. She stayed with him blogging every day about this supposedly lost passport. He must have been sweating it and in the end he must have realised the only way to get rid was to tell her. That's when the blogging stopped....

Very sad, but many people commented that if you spread your private life all over the web then no good will come of it. If she's ill I'm sorry to hear it, Tristar is right she did bring crafting to thousands of people. She was such a misery though!
I agree, he was very good looking:happy: I though how lucky she was when I first saw JJ. He must have been after her money:sad:
She motivated me to try my hand in card making, I have made some good cards, but without her on QVC, I have lost interest in card making.
I agree, he was very good looking:happy: I though how lucky she was when I first saw JJ. He must have been after her money:sad:
She motivated me to try my hand in card making, I have made some good cards, but without her on QVC, I have lost interest in card making.

This s from an early Battersea Life episode.... Funny how life can sometimes imitate fiction!

"She was in Battersea again and she would rather be anywhere else, preferably somewhere hot. She was knackered, her marriage to PJ was in tatters and the last thing she wanted to be doing was a day of Amazing Special Value for yet another bliddy crafting kit......Dana Battey had turned into a hard nosed business woman who was constantly on the verge of telling someone to f*ck off simply because she was so tired. She had met her exceedingly handsome Spanish husband Pepe Jamon at a craft fair where he had been selling the Spanish version of “Sticky Blobs“. They were cheaper than her normal supplier and she’d put in a massive order. PJ saw the size of the cheque and immediately fell in love."
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