Spare us from the nails.


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Apr 27, 2009
I ranted on here a few weeks ago about 'feet'. Now I'm on the case of 'nails'. Long, plasticky, pointed and painted false talons.

First up, the giggly Lola Rose second in charge. Her nails are off the scale false - just look at the natural dumpiness of her fingers, and as they clackety clack around the display top, we are distracted from the goods she is supposed to be flogging !

Next is Abbi Horne - another one with stubby fingers, yet we have to endure the hand waving to promote her latest manicure with nails long enough to pluck an eagle out of the sky !

Then the old bird from Bibi Bijoux (whose chin is now almost parallel to the display counter lately), - I dread the close-ups of her "left on too long" nails.

I do not have an aversion to false nails per se, I've worn them myself in the past, and they can look elegant when worn a natural length, but its when you get close ups and see the grubby undersides with the natural nail growing underneath. UGH ! ugh ! ugh !

Again, rant over.
How the woman from Lola Rose does anything practical is beyond me, I can't stand Abbie Horne so never a watch her & I'll have to have my fix of 'ugh' by finding the Bibi lady. Nina Taylor, who modelled for Leighton Denny, had lovely nails but she was a rarity on the Q. My nails have all the strength of tissue paper & I look after them, changing products regularly because they get used to them & having a free edge of no more than 5mm. I'm very fussy about nice hands, my husband's are wonderful, as they were when he was 17 & the first time my mum met him she said that she wasn't surprised that I fell for him because of his hands.
Then there’s Katherine the fashion & jewellery model. Her nails look immaculate but they are too long and pointed for me, the free edge looks like the sides have curled under. Just not my style although I know from the occasional glance at Instagram that I’m in the minority (and old :mysmilie_468:).
I always hold my breath when Mally starts applying make up, her nails are so long and pointy she could hold a dual at ten paces with those things.
It’s obvious to me that women who wear these long nails never do a days house work. Imagine trying to clean the toilet or wash the pots with those hideous things on the end of your fingers. And baking must be out of the question you couldn’t possibly knead bread dough.
I always hold my breath when Mally starts applying make up, her nails are so long and pointy she could hold a dual at ten paces with those things.

There are plenty of other guests she could have that with & one slip when applying her primer, she'd gouge out an eye :mysmilie_466:
I don’t have long nails nor ever do false/gel and when I’m due to do a weekend gardening/mega clean up I always cut them down to avoid them breaking etc so how they do anything with those talons is a mystery. Especially those with very small children, techie Abbey was on about 2 days after giving birth with those awful fake french manicure she sports, I wondered who was handling the poor wee thing.
nails long enough to pluck an eagle out of the sky !

Then the old bird from Bibi Bijoux (whose chin is now almost parallel to the display counter lately), - I dread the close-ups of her "left on too long" nails.

I can't bear nail polish or long nails, this post just had me laughing so hard Mr CC is on the phone trying to get me sectioned. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. So funny. The BB Bj lady has a strange voice as well. Sorry, being mean. Ho ho ho ha ha ha, still laughing.
It’s obvious to me that women who wear these long nails never do a days house work. Imagine trying to clean the toilet or wash the pots with those hideous things on the end of your fingers. And baking must be out of the question you couldn’t possibly knead bread dough.

I don't about doing housework, or cleaning the toilet, how about the intimate things one does in a toilet ???? a clean bum must be a nigh on impossibility !!!! (sorry to conjure up the image)
We have our great nephews staying tonight and the youngest wants to know what I am laughing at.
I once remember reading about a hand model. She never let her hands drop below waist level,never had she held hands with her husband. Moisturised her hands about 50 times a day,her husband followed her round with baby wipes to clean up after her. There was a photo of her on holiday sat on a chair in a bikini with what I can only describe as industrial strength gloves on ,halfway up her arms with her elbows on the chair arms and hands in the air. She had never done any housework. I don't know if I felt sorry for her or not.
I hate those awful talons as well, so unhygienic.

I also remember when JF first appeared on Q. She used to just do fitness items to start with, but moved on to supplements and personal care stuff.
She was on demonstrating a heated footbath thing, she had the most awful long pointed toenails, turned my stomach.
I once remember reading about a hand model. She never let her hands drop below waist level,never had she held hands with her husband. Moisturised her hands about 50 times a day,her husband followed her round with baby wipes to clean up after her. There was a photo of her on holiday sat on a chair in a bikini with what I can only describe as industrial strength gloves on ,halfway up her arms with her elbows on the chair arms and hands in the air. She had never done any housework. I don't know if I felt sorry for her or not.
I can understand that she'd have to be careful & I also read about one, may be the same person, who never rummaged in her bags for anything. However, I can't imagine how anyone could always keep their hands in such a position. Bizarre.
Oh yes Twilight probably is I seem to remember that. I think their was a mention she got £2000.00 a job.
I don't about doing housework, or cleaning the toilet, how about the intimate things one does in a toilet ???? a clean bum must be a nigh on impossibility !!!! (sorry to conjure up the image)

Yikes! What if you had piles? You'd stab them surely . . . . OK, going now. . . .
Another one with dagger nails is the Benefit representative (cannot remember her name)..

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