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I think a lot of customers regard shopworkers as second class citizens, especially when they're selling mundane items like groceries. Maybe if you worked in a techy type of store, the customer would possibly know less than you about the product and need to to explain the workings, and the guarantees etc, but when you're sat there in front of a checkout just flashing barcodes through, or stood behind a counter serving lumps of cheese or ham, customers think they can talk to you how they like! For example they'll expect to be served whilst they chat to someone else on a mobile phone, they point, click their fingers, often don't even bother to say please or thank you.  I think the fellow in question here was under the assumption that I thought that I had taken one look at him and thought "He won't have enough money to buy all that ham" and it got his back up. After I'd explained how customers generally like to see a running total, one would have hoped he could have been a bit less defensive and said something like, no problem, or it's for work don't worry, or that's fine, I know it's gonna come to a lot, carry on! He might have had a reason to get a bit shirty with me if I'd have said on his request "are you sure?, it's very expensive you know", or made the suggestion that he choose something a bit cheaper - Just an ar$ehole with a big chip on his shoulder!
