Sinead From Philip Kingsley is now Leaving


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Jun 24, 2008
i saw this on facebook & thought id let you all see too

she said & i quote "My dear facebook QVC lovelies...Thursday 29th December will be my last shows for Philip Kingsley on QVC. After 8.5 wonderful years with the brand and 5.5 on QVC I am moving on. Thank you for all your support over the years, I only bumped into a lovely lady in Beckenham Sainsbury's the other day who stopped me to ask some advice! I have absolutely loved presenting on @qvcuk and feel very privileged to have been part of making the brand the amazing success it is. But it's not just about me! Lisa Caddy and Anabel Kingsley will be taking up the reins as well as our new hairdresser Kevin Fortune who I know you will all love! So tune in on 29th December at 6pm and 10pm for some more hair and hopefully a few laughs (and probably tears!!) Its been a pleasure!!!! Xxx"
There is no mention of Heather Berry is she not with PK anymore thought she was just on maternity leave?
I met Sinead at the beauty bash, so approachable & such a friendly, cheerful lady. I thought she was one of the nicest people there. Good luck to her.
There is no mention of Heather Berry is she not with PK anymore thought she was just on maternity leave?

Heather doesn't work for PK anymore. She is with a company called SLG, who manufacture for various brands.
Sinead is going to be Managing Director of Federici Brands who are responsible for Color Wow and Time Bomb
she said on air yesterday that she would still work behind the scenes for pk oh well sad to see her go
I watched a bit of last night's show, couldn't stick the whole hour as it was JF presenting.
Jf said not to expect much lather from the shampoo, Sinead corrected her and said there is lots of lather from it. Jill has obviously never used the shampoo even though she gave the impression she had.....caught out in more lies.
looks like there have been a lot of Company changes since PK died, perhaps it was something he said in his Will about the running of the Company.

Sad to see her go but we all move on. I'm not a fan of the brand to be honest.
Imam not totally suprise we it looked to me with the introduction of his daughter that she would eventually take over.

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