Rosa Weight Loss Guru


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Jun 24, 2008
"Diets don't work - I know - I have tried almost all of them. All diets do is make you want things you believe you can't have and so increase your obsession with food. That is no way to live your life.

We all know that healthy eating and exercise are the only ways to keep your body healthy and in perfect condition. how come then that even though you know all of this and make great efforts to be healthy you still can't lose weight?

I learned that the blocks to successful weight loss are in the mind. I was trapped in a cycle of negative beliefs and behaviours that kept me overweight and unhealthy even when I was consciously trying to become fit and healthy."

Rosa Parks
Think she's talking rubbish. Slimming world is brill, i've lost over 2 stone. Had a relapse, and crawling back
again next Monday, and there's men go, and they actually lose more than women, the so and sos, so it
really is cut down on rubbish, eat lots of fruit and bit of exercise. Some people lose it slower than others ,
and thats when its hard to keep at it, but i feel better when i'm doing it, and i'm the one that put it on so i
have to take it off. We've a man in hospital at the minute who lost ten stone at slimming world. Looks
brill, so try SW guys and gals, if you want to lose weight :angel:
These people annoy me to distraction spouting their lifestyle guru claptrap. Just shows how nonsensical it is by looking at her generously proportioned self.
I am currently investigating giving up sugar and going cold turkey. I am convinced that sugar is the culprit. I have a really bad addiction to it and as a result am overweight. The time is coming to give it up for good.

However, I refuse to continue to fund the multi-million pound dieting industry by going to slimming clubs, buying diet books, or buying diet stuff from QVC. Been there, done that several times. I gave up smoking cold turkey (no patches or rubbish like that) and remind myself if I can do that I can give up sugar and lose weight.

At the end of the day, whatever these diet presenters say, they are trying to flog you something. I don't need a bliddy book or CD's or whatever to help me lose weight. There's lots of free info out on the Internet if you want it. Right, rant over. I just get fed up with the dieting industry. It's a con.
I am currently investigating giving up sugar and going cold turkey. I am convinced that sugar is the culprit. I have a really bad addiction to it and as a result am overweight. The time is coming to give it up for good.

However, I refuse to continue to fund the multi-million pound dieting industry by going to slimming clubs, buying diet books, or buying diet stuff from QVC. Been there, done that several times. I gave up smoking cold turkey (no patches or rubbish like that) and remind myself if I can do that I can give up sugar and lose weight.

At the end of the day, whatever these diet presenters say, they are trying to flog you something. I don't need a bliddy book or CD's or whatever to help me lose weight. There's lots of free info out on the Internet if you want it. Right, rant over. I just get fed up with the dieting industry. It's a con.

Totally agree with you. All you need is some knowledge, scientific facts and common sense. Oh and bags of willpower of course!! Good luck Flamenco :D

Most weight I ever lost was eating clean food, following a body builders diet. I don't mean a diet as in 'eat this for lunch' etc, just following the principles they do to stay healthy. Lean meat, oats, lots of protein, wholegrain/wheat pasta, bread, rice and low fat dairy products. Sugar came in natural form such as honey etc.

All it takes is a bit of research. The diet industry winds me up too!

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
Top stuff with the smoking Flamenco. If you can stop smoking without any of the usual aids then you can do anything. Sugar is just another addiction like ciggies. Get your mind in the right place and go for it.

I gave up the **** and I can honestly say its the hardest thing I ever did, good luck

I am currently investigating giving up sugar and going cold turkey. I am convinced that sugar is the culprit. I have a really bad addiction to it and as a result am overweight. The time is coming to give it up for good.

However, I refuse to continue to fund the multi-million pound dieting industry by going to slimming clubs, buying diet books, or buying diet stuff from QVC. Been there, done that several times. I gave up smoking cold turkey (no patches or rubbish like that) and remind myself if I can do that I can give up sugar and lose weight.

At the end of the day, whatever these diet presenters say, they are trying to flog you something. I don't need a bliddy book or CD's or whatever to help me lose weight. There's lots of free info out on the Internet if you want it. Right, rant over. I just get fed up with the dieting industry. It's a con.
Yep more psycobabble designed to play on peoples insecurities. These people make me sick, they will say anything to make a few quid.

Regarding slimming groups if the support helps people then all to the good. Some people need the comfort of other people in the same situation to suceed and also be inspired by other peoples sucess and if that works for them then thats brilliant

These people annoy me to distraction spouting their lifestyle guru claptrap. Just shows how nonsensical it is by looking at her generously proportioned self.
ah but it's not diet and exercise. it's a factor yes but not the be all and end all even if 99% doctors and nutritionists haven't woken up to it. it's been obvious to me for years - we all know people who constantly stuff themselves and are stick thin and vice versa. some interesting reading here

But diet and exercise are the only ways we can control it. I found that article to be quite negative. Two good points made though - rigorous exercise for at least an hour a day over the wishy washy Government advice of a short walk and "Just replace easily digestible carbs with complex ones like fibrous veggies and fruits, brown rice, and whole grains."

It was more or less saying "you're fat because of your genes so tough", and how do they know we are born with a set weight point? Where's the evidence for that? Mind you, it's not really a scientific magazine is it? It's more 'pop psychology'. I'm sure I've seen some homeopathy and fortune telling related articles on some of the covers!

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
The set weight at birth is interesting to me. I am 5ft 8and a half medium frame and if my weight falls below 10 stone 3 I feel dizzy, from my late twenties to now, aged 54.
capirossi - yes you're right. all we can do is diet and exercise but the body wants to go back to the weight which is why most diets fail in the long term. it is not only the opinion of that article. it mentions the research centre and i have seen some of their - and others - work on horizon/panorama type programs. one of the most interesting was deliberately overfeeding a group of people - first done on prisoner volunters in the 50's. they were allowed to eat whatever they wanted and encouraged to eat a huge amount of calories. even on multiple thousands a day, some never got fat. they would gain bout half a stone and stop whereas the others went on to become obese. they were able to conclude that it is impossible for some people to become obese. that was just one experiment. interesting stuff if you look into it and natural skinnies tend to have a different viewpoint to natural fatties ;)
capirossi - yes you're right. all we can do is diet and exercise but the body wants to go back to the weight which is why most diets fail in the long term. it is not only the opinion of that article. it mentions the research centre and i have seen some of their - and others - work on horizon/panorama type programs. one of the most interesting was deliberately overfeeding a group of people - first done on prisoner volunters in the 50's. they were allowed to eat whatever they wanted and encouraged to eat a huge amount of calories. even on multiple thousands a day, some never got fat. they would gain bout half a stone and stop whereas the others went on to become obese. they were able to conclude that it is impossible for some people to become obese. that was just one experiment. interesting stuff if you look into it and natural skinnies tend to have a different viewpoint to natural fatties ;)

Very interesting. I wish I was one of those who it was impossible to get fat, ha ha!! I may have a scoot around and see what I can find on this topic :D

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)

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