Requesting to Complete A Survey


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Spinster of the Parish
Jun 24, 2008
London baby!
For the last few days the first time I click on anything in the forum it takes me to a screen that asks me to complete a survery with the chance to win an ipad or iphone, is it just me?
Maybe worth scanning your PC with your anti virus to be on the safe side.

Sent from my Nokia 3210 using Snake.
I have had this pop up too over the last few days. In a moment of boredom, I started to complete it and have been spammed ever since. DON'T DO IT!!!!
I havent added a survey and there are no pop ups on the site if anyone else gets it would you tske a screen grab so I csm confirm its not on the ST server.

Thamk you
Somebody remind me how to do that please. I expect it is simple but as I use my iPad more than my laptop to come on ST nowadays I am having a senior moment.
Am working with a few sites including Digital Spy to try and find out what is causing this, I have blocked what we think is causing the problem, it can take an hour to take effect so if anyone sees the survey after 11.30am please can they post here so we can continue to look into it.

Thank You
I've just had it again Graham at 11:52. I've only just seen your post re the screen shot - if I get it again I'll take one.
Believe it's some google ads that are causing it from another site I use.
A Google Engineer has got back to Digital Spy, they have requested the following:

If users are still getting bad ads and if the problem is reproducible, tell them this:

I can try to isolate the offending ads from our logs but we'll need as much as possible of the following:

* the full link that is shown when the user right-clicks on the ad and selects "Copy link address"

* the IP address(es) of affected user(s) and ideally exact time and date of when they saw and/or clicked the offending ad. They can see their IP address here:
I've just logged on for the 1am late shift [!] and I got the stupid ad too.

I've just tried to snag the details to send you, Graham, but it's mysteriously vanished again.

It first appeared when I logged on here, and annoyingly, there's no 'close' button on the ad to get rid of it.
I re-opened the page, successfully this time ...

In case it helps anyone, I scanned my lappie and updated my trusty anti-virus only a few hours ago, so with any luck, it's not a virus.
I got the survey again this morning at 10.25am, I'm using IE ... don't know if that has anything to do with it.

The same info as others was in the header bar

I managed to do a screenshot but can't copy and paste the bloomin' thing on here. I can email it to Admin if that's any help.

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