Really? Fiona


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Aug 6, 2009
Did anyone else notice yesterday in the Decleor shows the constant use of the word 'really' by Fiona?

It drove me nuts enough to watch one of the shows again with pencil and pad to mark down how often this was said (stupid idea as it drove me nuts twice!!)

Really (for the whole hour) = 51 times
Really (for the SOS Lip care on air for about 4 mins) = 13 times

Along with 'Really' were: Amazing, absolutely, incredible, renowned in the industry.
Said frequently but not in the volumes of 'really'.

Which means this amazing incredible hour was reeeally full of words that reeeeally drove me absolutely potty and distracted me from the products! :confused:
My goodness! I have noticed with increasing irritation that she starts off on nearly every product with 'aaaaaaaahhhh'.
My goodness! I have noticed with increasing irritation that she starts off on nearly every product with 'aaaaaaaahhhh'.

I've just watched a recorded show and you are absolutely right! Missed that one :giggle:

Also add 'phenomenal' to the list!
Fiona irritates me full stop.:dull: I just don't thinks she is being genuine although I do love Decleor & have never had any problems with it. Unlike my daughter who finds if she uses it for too long she get breakouts galore. I suggested she switch to Gartineau & she has no problems at all now.

I much prefer watching & listening to Andrew & Keeley.
its interesting to know what relationship these people actually have with the company they represent because it explains why someone appearing to be a therapist manages to be calling so many shots..... "ive managed to get this back for you" "i put this kit together" "ive been working on this with them for 2 years" blah blah blah. fiona brackenbury is either "head of education and learning" or "head of treatment development" at decleor depending on how you google her, which suggests she wields quite a bit of power. thats probably why she's given herslef the plum job of appearing on the box without worrying about whether people might actually like her or not.

keeley does seem to be what she says she is and not a wolf in sheeps overalls. but even that begs the question of why elemis would have the proprietor of a single spa in the midlands representing them on tv. how did she get this gig? do QVC pay her or elemis? whats the arrangement?

fiona, keeley and andrew gatineau for that matter are all way way past their shelf life. its about time QVC got out of the very deep rut theyve been in for years now and gave the viewers a change. that way we wouldnt have to put up with fiona spouting the same old rubbish week in week out, or keeley gabbling about scientific stuff she clearly doesnt understand and the funny wrist flourishes she does when she applies supposedly precious concoctions to her next victim's greasy fizzog.

and to pusskins point, none of them are good adverts for the products they represent.
Fiona did start to irritate me yesterday ( putting it mildly) I know they are in the job of selling & moving as much stock as poss but everything was AMAAAAAAZING/ PHEEEEENOMENAL & other gushings of that ilk.I think we get the message Fiona, is that why any QVC customer over the age of 10 doesn't know what a wrinkle is & why I am a smooth wrinkle & droop free dewy toned pensioner.
At least Motor mouth Ali says on some products 'if you are under the age of 40 (etc) you dont need this'
Fiona was hitting the younger set with the 'preventative' line.
Much prefer Keely & her products.
its interesting to know what relationship these people actually have with the company they represent because it explains why someone appearing to be a therapist manages to be calling so many shots..... "ive managed to get this back for you" "i put this kit together" "ive been working on this with them for 2 years" blah blah blah. fiona brackenbury is either "head of education and learning" or "head of treatment development" at decleor depending on how you google her, which suggests she wields quite a bit of power. thats probably why she's given herslef the plum job of appearing on the box without worrying about whether people might actually like her or not.

keeley does seem to be what she says she is and not a wolf in sheeps overalls. but even that begs the question of why elemis would have the proprietor of a single spa in the midlands representing them on tv. how did she get this gig? do QVC pay her or elemis? whats the arrangement?

fiona, keeley and andrew gatineau for that matter are all way way past their shelf life. its about time QVC got out of the very deep rut theyve been in for years now and gave the viewers a change. that way we wouldnt have to put up with fiona spouting the same old rubbish week in week out, or keeley gabbling about scientific stuff she clearly doesnt understand and the funny wrist flourishes she does when she applies supposedly precious concoctions to her next victim's greasy fizzog.

and to pusskins point, none of them are good adverts for the products they represent.

I'm pretty sure that Keeley used to travel the world training therapists in Elemis products before she opened her own salon and has been with them a long time hence keeping her on now she is a salon owner.

Andrew from Gatineau (managing director for Gatineau distribution in UK) started making regular appearances when Amanda Birch left but was always in the background watching sales figures when she was on.

I often wonder what the arrangements are like do they get a fee from QVC or the brand they represent? Who pays for travel, accomodation etc etc

I noticed that when Alexis from L'Occitane is on she does a similar thing to Keeley in mentioning Easy Pays and prices when really that is QVC's area.

QVC stick with these people as they are heads of training and qualified therapists who can answer any questions regarding skin problems and products as they train all UK therapists in whatever brand they represent.

Fingers crossed for new brands to appear to break the boredom. :nod:
What I want to know is how many mouths does Tanya have? Yesterday she was cooing over that over- priced SOS lip balm thing that she just 'can't live without, uses it ever day' , but only the other week she said the exact same thing about the Gale Hayman lip-lift wotsit.

BTW Gale Hayman's Sam 'Slept-in-a-Skip' must get the award for worst ad for skincare range.
A few years ago I actually rang Decleor & complained about the way Fiona looked. She looked like she had been dragged through a hedge backwards ( literally ) Her hair was greasy & she clearly had not even done anything to it before she went on air. Her uniform was all rumpled & untidy. She looked dreadful. In fact my husband happened to come in & made the comment that she was well past her sell by date & a terrible rep for Decleor.

The reaction I got was basically..... how dare I complain. The woman I spoke to really got on her very haughty high horse with me & said that she was not well that day. Poor excuse I felt.
A few years ago I actually rang Decleor & complained about the way Fiona looked. She looked like she had been dragged through a hedge backwards ( literally ) Her hair was greasy & she clearly had not even done anything to it before she went on air. Her uniform was all rumpled & untidy. She looked dreadful. In fact my husband happened to come in & made the comment that she was well past her sell by date & a terrible rep for Decleor.

The reaction I got was basically..... how dare I complain. The woman I spoke to really got on her very haughty high horse with me & said that she was not well that day. Poor excuse I felt.

:mysmilie_502: Sue

I totally agree. I don't like to complain about the various presenters and guests, they have their job to do and not all styles suit every viewer. But each time I see Fiona I just don't watch because she is not very well groomed for someone selling skincare and beauty products. Her hair is greasy and looks like it needs a good wash. There needs to be a nice cross between looking clinical and stylish. I certainly don't aspire to look like her and her appearance overall doesn't encourage me to try their products. Which I haven't because they seem a bit pricey for the size and she puts me off a bit. Perhaps unfair but my husband said something similar while whispering "snake oil salesman". Maybe that was his way of discouraging me from picking up the phone. But he needn't have worried.
What I want to know is how many mouths does Tanya have? Yesterday she was cooing over that over- priced SOS lip balm thing that she just 'can't live without, uses it ever day' , but only the other week she said the exact same thing about the Gale Hayman lip-lift wotsit.

BTW Gale Hayman's Sam 'Slept-in-a-Skip' must get the award for worst ad for skincare range.

I like Sam who presents for Gale Hayman - she represents the "real woman" to me - young working mother who is not perfect but very presentable - IMO "Slept in a Skip" is a little harsh.
I know what you mean re presenters and models saying one minute they couldnt live without a product and use it all the time and the next they are saying the same thing about another range/product - very annoying. I feel the same about presenters saying they use whatever range they are punting and then they say they are also using the next range they punt!! - again very annoying.
A few years ago I actually rang Decleor & complained about the way Fiona looked. She looked like she had been dragged through a hedge backwards ( literally ) Her hair was greasy & she clearly had not even done anything to it before she went on air. Her uniform was all rumpled & untidy. She looked dreadful. In fact my husband happened to come in & made the comment that she was well past her sell by date & a terrible rep for Decleor.

The reaction I got was basically..... how dare I complain. The woman I spoke to really got on her very haughty high horse with me & said that she was not well that day. Poor excuse I felt.

Absolutely dreadful reaction from Decleor Sue - Fiona is not very well groomed especially when she's representing a preeeestige skincare line, but seriously she could smarten up a little(or maybe alot!!?). As one of the customer paying all their salaries you should have been dealt with more respect imo - i'm not inpressed. QVC take note - some general constructive criticism to all beauty/skincare guests might be appropriate here without highlighting any particular individual.
What an interesting thread. I have no insider information to add but if Fiona and Keely are top of the tree in training and expertise then heaven help us. They need urgent training themselves in presenting their products which are doubtless full of merit but not helped by cooing or gabbling by women who just want to sell everything to anyone. Alison should be able to guide them to the heart of the issue but that's the blind leading the blind isn't it?
And how hard it is to say Hyaluronic Acid? Both Keeley and Fiona (and I think the fabulousy-named Michaela Taylor from Gatineau) pronounce this as 'hyralonic'.
In response to the comments about the price of products, note that it's only QVC that seem to charge this much for them. If you shop around a little, you will find the same products for as little as half QVC's price on other websites, a particular auction site in particular. Examples that I have recently purchased include Hydrotenseur, Experience de l'age cream, Iris night balm (the big size priced for the same as the small on QVC!) All from reputable sellers too, no fake rubbish. I have noticed that the QVC range is very narrow now, especially with Decleor. I know they don't cover all the range but I found products this weekend that I'd never even heard of before. Does anybody know why they just don't have the stock anymore? They seem to go for "hero" products and nothing more.

QVC should look at the competition for guests. Mandy (I think that's her name?) who presents beauty products for IW always is well presented and smart, knows her stuff and manages to get that across to the viewers in a non-irritating way. She looks great for her age, being in her 40s, and is a good visual advert for the products she sells. I would say the same for Sarah Chapman, when she used to be with HSE (remember them?). She was great at presenting. Met her at the beauty bash and she was knowledgeable, unpretentious and very friendly. We could have known her for years! Sad to say that Fiona wasn't the same. I found her to be somewhat rude and curt. I waited to see her for ages but she gave me a look and then turned to someone else. I won the day though - I'm only 5'3" but she was looking into my armpit and I made her listen ;)
Sad to say that Fiona wasn't the same. I found her to be somewhat rude and curt. I waited to see her for ages but she gave me a look and then turned to someone else. I won the day though - I'm only 5'3" but she was looking into my armpit and I made her listen ;)

Knew it. Just knew she would be like that. I just don't like her at all.

She is not well liked amongst the Decleor girls either. I have chatted on occasions over the years to them at various Decleor counters in the department stores. No one has ever been complimentary about her. Quite the opposite in fact. One girl whispered to me ''She's a real !! ( rhymes with itch ) . None of us can stand her.''
In response to the comments about the price of products, note that it's only QVC that seem to charge this much for them. If you shop around a little, you will find the same products for as little as half QVC's price on other websites, a particular auction site in particular. Examples that I have recently purchased include Hydrotenseur, Experience de l'age cream, Iris night balm (the big size priced for the same as the small on QVC!) All from reputable sellers too, no fake rubbish. I have noticed that the QVC range is very narrow now, especially with Decleor. I know they don't cover all the range but I found products this weekend that I'd never even heard of before. Does anybody know why they just don't have the stock anymore? They seem to go for "hero" products and nothing more.

QVC should look at the competition for guests. Mandy (I think that's her name?) who presents beauty products for IW always is well presented and smart, knows her stuff and manages to get that across to the viewers in a non-irritating way. She looks great for her age, being in her 40s, and is a good visual advert for the products she sells. I would say the same for Sarah Chapman, when she used to be with HSE (remember them?). She was great at presenting. Met her at the beauty bash and she was knowledgeable, unpretentious and very friendly. We could have known her for years! Sad to say that Fiona wasn't the same. I found her to be somewhat rude and curt. I waited to see her for ages but she gave me a look and then turned to someone else. I won the day though - I'm only 5'3" but she was looking into my armpit and I made her listen ;)

I have met Fiona on a few occasions and she was nothing but polite and friendly.
Absolutely dreadful reaction from Decleor Sue - Fiona is not very well groomed especially when she's representing a preeeestige skincare line, but seriously she could smarten up a little(or maybe alot!!?). As one of the customer paying all their salaries you should have been dealt with more respect imo - i'm not inpressed. QVC take note - some general constructive criticism to all beauty/skincare guests might be appropriate here without highlighting any particular individual.

I always admired the Anne Semonin and Mary Cohr guests - they were immaculate and a good advert for their brand. They looked very neat and tidy and were very well-groomed. I sometimes can't believe how unkempt Fiona and Keeley can look. I have a fringe (and I agree that it is great for hiding wrinkles) but I would never let it grow as long as Fiona's. I sometimes get annoyed at AY's fringe (sad, I know!) but it really irritates me when it falls over her eyes and just leaves it there.
QVC should look at the competition for guests. Mandy (I think that's her name?) who presents beauty products for IW always is well presented and smart, knows her stuff and manages to get that across to the viewers in a non-irritating way. She looks great for her age, being in her 40s, and is a good visual advert for the products she sells.

I must agree with you here - I've said it before, I would sooner take beauty advice from IW's Mandy than AY. Yep, they're both saleswomen - but Mandy takes a much more 'healthy' and less 'preach n screech' approach. She seems to favour natural beauty products (or as natural as possible) and relies on a simple, pared down beauty routine to keep her skin looking healthy and glowing - indeed she puts it down to Rosehip Oil. She seems to recommend sunlight in moderation too :rock:

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