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For a start it wouldn't make economic sense, ship to America from China and then ship back to London, plus the RGMT site doesn't have any stock of anything, everything on their site is listed as Sold Out and has been for a long time, really just there for show.

In reality they come from China direct to London, there is no RGMT brand in America, despite Bordell and the Dartmouth brands attempts to trick the public into thinking there is. The Dartmouth brands have a representative in the LA area but he will only be liaising for all the brands with potential sales outlets over in the states like, Telly shopping channel, watchgang etc. RGMT's web site is run from London.  It's like all the Solar Time brands, there is a mass of lies about all their brands in an attempt to cover up the fact they all belong to Solar Time in Hong Kong and all the watches are made in China, ok one or two they claim to be Swiss made, but given Solar Time's/The Dartmouth brand's track record i doubt even that is true.

Whether it's CCCP, Earnshaw, Duxot, RGMT, AVI-8, Nubeo etc, they all have a different brand story presented by the The Dartmouth Brands (Solar Time subsidiary to distribute their watches) and their representatives (Bordell, Clawley) and all of it is a crock of ****, there are no aviation enthusiast in London designing AVI-8 watches, there are no Military enthusiasts in America designing RGMT watches etc and the one most important detail, that they make sure they never mention is that the brands aren't separate entities, they don't have separate offices or separate accounts, all the brands belong to/are designed by/are made by Solar Time in China.
