Rainbow Bridge


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Jun 24, 2008
Our petite 3 year old cat Sabrina was diagnosed with FIP (the dry form) a couple of months ago and our vet said we should prepare for the worst as there's no cure. If you're sensitive to animal photos I'd advise not to google this condition. It originates with the Corona virus which is as common in cats as our cold virus and most shake it off. In a few cats, particularly those with underlying weakness, kittens, or old cats the virus kicks off a kind of auto-immune reaction which has no cure (so far).

Sabrina has always been a mini-cat with a sensitive tummy but she started losing a huge amount of weight. At first the vet thought it was lymphoma and was optimistic for a full recovery but a biopsy of a mass in her gut ruled this out.

For about 6-7 weeks she was taking a steroid treatment and her appetite gradually improved but last Saturday she couldn't sit comfortably and by Sunday morning I knew she was struggling. She used to wait for me to turn on a tap for her to drink, but by Sunday she'd lap a couple of times then bow her head under the stream of water.

DD and I took her to the emergency vet and she fell asleep in our arms. My son text me the Rainbow Bridge but I haven't read beyond the first line yet; I know it'll set me off.

If you're struggling with the loss of a loved animal whether it happened yesterday or years ago I hope you find a way to remember the good times more than the sad end. xxx


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Our petite 3 year old cat Sabrina was diagnosed with FIP (the dry form) a couple of months ago and our vet said we should prepare for the worst as there's no cure. If you're sensitive to animal photos I'd advise not to google this condition. It originates with the Corona virus which is as common in cats as our cold virus and most shake it off. In a few cats, particularly those with underlying weakness, kittens, or old cats the virus kicks off a kind of auto-immune reaction which has no cure (so far).

Sabrina has always been a mini-cat with a sensitive tummy but she started losing a huge amount of weight. At first the vet thought it was lymphoma and was optimistic for a full recovery but a biopsy of a mass in her gut ruled this out.

For about 6-7 weeks she was taking a steroid treatment and her appetite gradually improved but last Saturday she couldn't sit comfortably and by Sunday morning I knew she was struggling. She used to wait for me to turn on a tap for her to drink, but by Sunday she'd lap a couple of times then bow her head under the stream of water.

DD and I took her to the emergency vet and she fell asleep in our arms. My son text me the Rainbow Bridge but I haven't read beyond the first line yet; I know it'll set me off.

If you're struggling with the loss of a loved animal whether it happened yesterday or years ago I hope you find a way to remember the good times more than the sad end. xxx

I am so sorry & you have my deepest sympathy, I have been there so many times & it really hurts. The only thing I will say it that eventually you do remember the good times & get comfort from knowing you have given that animal love, care & attention. I also believe that it's important to be with them at the end, however difficult it is; I stayed with our last much-loved cat, he had a serene death which came at the end of a wonderful life. Be kind to yourself xx
So very sorry Akimbo. There's no comfort at such a time as this, but she did have a lovely life with you, and you did the right thing at the end when she needed you most. Hugs to you and yours xx
Awww Akimbo - such sad news ...

Sabrina had a lovely life with you and yours, although not as long as you would have liked .. (((hugs)))
Thank you everyone for your kind words. She was a unique little being; so small she never really grew up. Now with only Salem I don't have to turn on the kitchen tap for drinking, I can leave a crust on a plate without it being pinched to play with. He's only just started playing again since she "left", but today he's catching up for lost time dealing with his arch-nemesis: STRING!

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