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I have some gold pieces bought from QVC but that were not manufactured for them, such as Russell Grant and Uri Geller. They're many years old now and still look as good as new, and have been worn every day. I presume the lady in question bought stuff that was made for QVC directly? Perhaps they tried to skimp on production costs and now it's coming back to haunt them. Things do sometimes happen in boxes though, for some reason. Not gold, of course, but I bought my sister a Joan Rivers bracelet that had broken into pieces in the box by the time I gave it to her. Very strange.

For the sake of good PR though, QVC should have taken some interest and at least investigated and not just brushed her off. It wouldn't have been any skin off their noses in the long run. That said, I haven't had much faith in the quality of QVC products for a long time now.
