Q for education!


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alter ego

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Jul 6, 2008
Well, AD has taught me something new today.

On the 11am L'Occitane show , talking of the Almond shower oil, she says, "Let's face it, lack of hydration really is the major cause of ageing." :wonder:

I'm so glad she's put me straight. After reading so much about the sun being the major cause, I can now happily bin my Ultrasun, slap on the baby oil and go back outside in the midday heat.

The savings I'll make not buying Ultrasun and other spf products will go towards stocking up on the TSV as Alexis says, "Sometimes one application is not enough." :whew:
Q for education!

I watch very little qvc now, the drivel they spout to sell an item is mind boggling...
Oh dear!

So many factors are major contributors for ageing.

#1 has to be your genetics. If you come from a family with fast-ageing skin, you are in for an uphill battle (or a surgeon's knife) to stem the tide.

There are so many additional factors - a too-sugary diet leads to glycation (where your collagen is damaged). Sunshine leads to damaged collagen. Alcohol... Smoking... Dehydration... Too much of the wrong kind of exercise (Jill Franks, please take note)... Too much aggressive skincare... Lack of sleep... Allergies... Chronic illnesses and the accompanying medications.... Stress... and loads more besides.

I used to love the almond shower oil, but I can no longer bear the scent of it - it's so overpowering. I wish they (or someone) did a product with the same behaviour but without such an intrusive perfume. I originally wanted to try the grape one they did, but by the time I spotted it to try, it was discontinued (I tried to order it while it was on waitlist, to no avail).
"lack of hydration really is the major cause of ageing"

I thought the passage of time was the main cause of aging; that plus still being alive! :mysmilie_59:
"lack of hydration really is the major cause of ageing"

I thought the passage of time was the main cause of aging; that plus still being alive! :mysmilie_59:

Of course! In my list above I missed the bleedin' obvious, d'oh! :doh::doh::doh:
I remember a few years back, and I'm sure others must remember when Ali "resident beauty expert. :mysmilie_15:" Young said to Andrew Smarmy of Gatinooooo! " I don't see the reason 3 in 1 cleansers exist, I mean what's the point? it's either one thing or another, how can one cleanser do three things properly?" then to Adele from SBC weeks later her opinion changed, it then became "3 in 1 cleansers are an absolute life saver, especially when I've sorted the horses out and all I want to do is get all my make-up off"..............they don't realise that to be a good liar, you must, must have a good memory.
As Akimbo said ageing is the cause of ageing skin. Where were these people educated? Do they think we are all stupid? It's time they stopped all this silly waffle and gave the true facts about the stuff they are selling ie. They don't make any difference to the ageing process wrinkles and dry skin happen but keeping skin moisturised is essential for older people but you don't have to pay silly prices for products. Nivea, Dove and Astral are as good as any IMO.
Oh dear!

So many factors are major contributors for ageing.

#1 has to be your genetics. If you come from a family with fast-ageing skin, you are in for an uphill battle (or a surgeon's knife) to stem the tide.

There are so many additional factors - a too-sugary diet leads to glycation (where your collagen is damaged). Sunshine leads to damaged collagen. Alcohol... Smoking... Dehydration... Too much of the wrong kind of exercise (Jill Franks, please take note)... Too much aggressive skincare... Lack of sleep... Allergies... Chronic illnesses and the accompanying medications.... Stress... and loads more besides.

I used to love the almond shower oil, but I can no longer bear the scent of it - it's so overpowering. I wish they (or someone) did a product with the same behaviour but without such an intrusive perfume. I originally wanted to try the grape one they did, but by the time I spotted it to try, it was discontinued (I tried to order it while it was on waitlist, to no avail).

Genes and lifestyle are big factors. I've known sun worshippers and heavy smokers and it's the heavy smokers skin that is the far worst! Everyone is different but this is my experience. Not a fan of this brand, much better ones on the market :mysmilie_5:
I have been a sun worshipper all my life and a heavy smoker for nearly 40years, I am now 74 years old ( gave up smoking about 20 years ago) and only ever use off the shelf products and I still have quite smooth and plump skin. I think it is definitely down to genes and no amount of expensive products can change that.
I also think it is one of the very very few advantages of being, shall we say, plump. Whilst I would make about 4 of Jill F body wise I look a good 10 years younger than her even though I am 15 years older. I think that whilst her skin may be good enough the aggressive way she talks has made her face look much older than she is. I know laughter lines are considered a good thing but in Jill's case it isn't laughter lines but intensive frown wrinkles.
We all get older (if we`re lucky) but some people seem terrified of the prospect and think lotions, potions and fibs in a jar will stop the process. I recently had to renew my passport and of course I had to submit new photos with the application. When I looked at the new photos alongside my old passport photo which is 10 years old, yep there were a few more lines but not a dramatic difference and I`m one of those people who spends very little on skincare brands so all I can put it down to is genes and a reasonably healthy but certainly not a restrictive lifestyle.
I also think it is one of the very very few advantages of being, shall we say, plump. Whilst I would make about 4 of Jill F body wise I look a good 10 years younger than her even though I am 15 years older. I think that whilst her skin may be good enough the aggressive way she talks has made her face look much older than she is. I know laughter lines are considered a good thing but in Jill's case it isn't laughter lines but intensive frown wrinkles.

Without seeing Jill's family to see if she has inherited traits from them which mean she ages quickly... there are some factors which clearly won't help... extreme slimness, intensive exercising, lots of sunshine... She also strikes me as quite an anxious, nervy sort, which probably helps with the frownlines. I think in real life she's probably a lot of fun in the right environment... just not anywhere near a kitchen or dining table (or a bar, of course, as she doesn't drink). Good luck to her if she's happy living the way she does, but I think she's deluding herself if she thinks it makes her look younger in any way.

Isn't it Eamonn Holmes who quipped that you don't find wrinkles on a balloon in response to comments about his weight?
Well, AD has taught me something new today.

On the 11am L'Occitane show , talking of the Almond shower oil, she says, "Let's face it, lack of hydration really is the major cause of ageing." :wonder:

I'm so glad she's put me straight. After reading so much about the sun being the major cause, I can now happily bin my Ultrasun, slap on the baby oil and go back outside in the midday heat.

The savings I'll make not buying Ultrasun and other spf products will go towards stocking up on the TSV as Alexis says, "Sometimes one application is not enough." :whew:

Well AD would know. She looks like a dried prune, or a smoked haggis!
Never a big fan of Anne'svoice in the past I now find that it is a balm in comparison to the banshee yelling of SaracG, the sickening whining of Chuntley, the seal clapping of Marv and the hard sell of DelBoyFlintyBint.
Definitely down to genes I think, however, I do find that if I'm looking quite wrinkly around the neck and hands, if I drink lots of water over a couple of days there is a big improvement. That might just be me. I also like Decleor Iris oil and JW rose oil - two things that defnitely sort out my dry skin. Never used L'Occitane, that guest puts me off, she's so smug.


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