Pardon me for starting a second thread, but I thought it important that those who bought the TSV see this 
There's a new firmware version 1.0.2 available on OTA download that fixes the issues with the tablet - I now have BBC iPlayer working, QVC UK app installed (but possibly broken?) and Google Play now shows prices in GBP.
Quick walkthrough of the procedure for those who aren't sure:
NOTE: Doing this will completely reset your tablet to "out of the box" condition so copy off any data you want to keep first!
When you're ready, go to the homescreen and press the grid of squares in the top right corner to open the installed apps screen. Look for and tap on OTA Update. When it loads, turn it on (if not already) and then tap the Check Now button. You should get a notice to say that FW version 1.0.2 is available. If so, select download. (You may have to download and install FW v1.0.1 first, I'm not sure.)
Wait. Wait. Wait some more. Seriously, the download is really slow. I guess the update server is based in deepest, coldest Siberia, or somewhere. I found it helped to periodically stop the download and then restart it. Either way, allow 2 to 3 hours in total!
Pro tip - if you go into settings > Developer options, there is a check box called "Stay awake". This stops the tablet going to sleep when you have it plugged into the the mains charger. Leave the tablet plugged in for the download and you won't have to keep waking it up to check.
Once it downloads, it'll ask you to confirm the install and then ask you to reboot. The reboot takes a couple of minutes. You'll see a couple of different screens but the main one is a picture of the Android robot and a progress bar. Once that completes, you'll see the Prestigio boot screens. After that, the tablet will run the initialisation wizard that asks you to set up the basics. After that, you should find the homescreen again as it looked when you first turned it on.
Now run the Google play store, log in your Google account etc. and you should find that the UK specific apps are visible and will work now. Prices should be in £.
A couple of points to note though - I prefer using Chrome as my browser, but I found that BBC iPlayer won't work with it. Make sure you use the default browser instead.
And the QVC app - I don't know what it should look like or do, but all I can see is the TSV. Literally. There is nothing else on screen - no search options or anything, so I suspect that could be broken?
Anyway, I hope that helps
This is great tablet and it would be a shame to have it let own by a couple of minor bugs, so hopefully this update fixes them. It's an irritation having to reinstall apps and so on, but that shouldn't take too long.
There's a new firmware version 1.0.2 available on OTA download that fixes the issues with the tablet - I now have BBC iPlayer working, QVC UK app installed (but possibly broken?) and Google Play now shows prices in GBP.
Quick walkthrough of the procedure for those who aren't sure:
NOTE: Doing this will completely reset your tablet to "out of the box" condition so copy off any data you want to keep first!
When you're ready, go to the homescreen and press the grid of squares in the top right corner to open the installed apps screen. Look for and tap on OTA Update. When it loads, turn it on (if not already) and then tap the Check Now button. You should get a notice to say that FW version 1.0.2 is available. If so, select download. (You may have to download and install FW v1.0.1 first, I'm not sure.)
Wait. Wait. Wait some more. Seriously, the download is really slow. I guess the update server is based in deepest, coldest Siberia, or somewhere. I found it helped to periodically stop the download and then restart it. Either way, allow 2 to 3 hours in total!
Pro tip - if you go into settings > Developer options, there is a check box called "Stay awake". This stops the tablet going to sleep when you have it plugged into the the mains charger. Leave the tablet plugged in for the download and you won't have to keep waking it up to check.
Once it downloads, it'll ask you to confirm the install and then ask you to reboot. The reboot takes a couple of minutes. You'll see a couple of different screens but the main one is a picture of the Android robot and a progress bar. Once that completes, you'll see the Prestigio boot screens. After that, the tablet will run the initialisation wizard that asks you to set up the basics. After that, you should find the homescreen again as it looked when you first turned it on.
Now run the Google play store, log in your Google account etc. and you should find that the UK specific apps are visible and will work now. Prices should be in £.
A couple of points to note though - I prefer using Chrome as my browser, but I found that BBC iPlayer won't work with it. Make sure you use the default browser instead.
And the QVC app - I don't know what it should look like or do, but all I can see is the TSV. Literally. There is nothing else on screen - no search options or anything, so I suspect that could be broken?
Anyway, I hope that helps