You've hit the nail on the head there Scampdog - I was looking in jewellery shop windows just recently & was shocked at some of the prices being charged, even for semi-precious stones, though nowhere near as shocking as the ridiculous & wildly inflated 'start prices' that some of the other channels 'start' their auctions at!
(They may even claim the 'start price' in reality bears little resemblance to the actual value but that is misleading in itself I think?)
Anybody can wander down the high street (or turn on their TV!) & see for themselves that Steve's start prices are very realistic indeed, so anything that comes off that really is a bonus! 
I don't like being treated like an idiot & enjoy the no-nonsense approach of RocksTV pricing & love the fact that they carry such a huge gem range too, something definitely not readily available on the high street!