P20 vs. Ultrasun


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Jun 24, 2008
So I was persuaded (by QVC) to try P20 Once-a-Day sunscreen, many moons ago, when they used to stock (and enthuse about) the product.

I have used this very happily for many years, on many holidays, great for all the family, even in tropical climates.

Has anyone used both P20, and Ultrasun?

I'm not particularly wanting to change to Ultrasun, unless everyone agrees it's a far superior product....? I'm just curious. (Don't know why QVC stopped selling P20, it's just another of those mysteriously disappearing products.)
Yes my husband & I have used both. Don't mind either. Both of them do a good job. We have done Florida, Vegas & Hawaii using both these products with temps in the nineties & have never burnt.
:sad::sad:Well I'm allergic to both- nasty itchy red rash- I guess it's something specific to the long lasting formula..Ive gone back to Boots Soltan.

I used to get prickly heat with Soltan. Never had it since using P20 & Ultrasun.:clapping::clapping:
I tried the Ultrasun sports gel and facial SPF30 and neither of them worked for me. I got a horrible rash on my nose from the facial one, took weeks to clear up and I still have a lovely red scar. My husband on the other hand swears by the sports gel and won't use anything else!

I've switched to La Roche Posay and so far (when I've applied it properly) it's been great. Very VERY light and fluid but doesn't leave you white and sticky.
I can't use P20,it irritates my sensitive skin.I find Ultrasun perfect for my skin type/colouring - although I buy mine in the local chemist where the product is bigger and cheaper.

I can't ever remember QVC selling P20.Maybe I wasn't a viewer at the time.Maybe P20 left QVC as its stocked so well in the high street now?

I didn't buy the last TSV (strange as I use it everyday without fail,on my face!) and I'm undecided about this one.I do need it for my upcoming holiday - but my hubby and I kinda agreed that we would buy all our creams and toiletries either at the airport or abroad,as it all weighs the cases down so much!
We go to Florida twice a year and I BURNT with P20, no such problems with Ultrasun Sport though!

Oh and DH actually uses US and has ditched the Hawaian Tropic factor 8 :blush::sun: and his tans all the better for it :happy:
I'm a diver and when on holiday I use P20 first thing in the morning and it lasts all day, even after two dives in a full length wetsuit. I've just come back from a sweltering St.Lucia and, although I burn easily, I didn't even go slightly pink, so it really must be waterproof.
I've used Ultrasun (but not when diving) and that seems to work pretty well too, so it's probably a good idea to try them both and choose the one that suits you best.
Ultrasun most definitely! On my last holiday I didn't burn and neither did my hubby he used the 20 gel one and I used the 30 both very fair so I did need to top up halfway during the day temp was mid 30s but, found it really lovely to use no stickiness or white marks.
I've used both but in the days before ultrasun gel - I found ultrasun really gloopy! I've also tried pro-sport - also gloopy and Piz buin and soltat once a day - both fine.
I prefer P20, it stinks to high heaven but once it's on you forget about it and no more waiting an hour either :) I just wish they'd bring out a higher factor as my OH burns even with SPF50!
I'll lower the tone by admitting I bought the Aldi bargain on Sunday - Calypso Once a Day at £5.50 for 200ml.

What's the consistency of that like, easy to apply? I'm tempted to try it.

I've just bought some P20 (200ml) in Asda for only £12, bargain!
I used Ultrasun for the first time last month in Corfu and burnt badly on the first day, something which never happened with P20. I was still blistering when I arrived home. I won't be using that again.

I had to go to a pharmacy and bought a bottle of Korres yoghurt factor 30 which was fantastic! Yes I had to apply it more frequently but it smelt amazing and was very moisturising. It was a pleasure to use!

Last year I used Piz Buin once a day on the recommendation of a fellow FM. That was excellent so I'll buy that again next year.

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