Other customers' orders.


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Registered Shopper
Jul 8, 2008
Hi all,

Let me relate a recent incident with QVC. I (that means mum!) ordered the recent Kim & Co TSV. When the packet arrived, there were two of them in there when I'd only ordered one. Closer inspection revealed that the second item was actually meant to be for another customer. It had her invoice and account details in there as well. I spoke to CS about this and the woman I spoke to kept me on hold while she went to speak to a supervisor. After a couple of minutes, it was decided that the best action to take was that I should forward the item on to the customer directly but without informing the other customer what had happened. In return for the effort and possible cost of postage of this, she promised to add £10 to my account. I thought that this was the logical thing to do and would have done it regardless but they seemed to insist that I take the £10 for my trouble. In fact, I was going to do this without even speaking to CS but thought it was best in case they had some special procedure for when something like this occurs.

I had assumed at the time that this meant credit on my account that I could offset against my next order. When it came to making that next order, I spoke to CS, explained what had happened so I could claim the credit and was told that, in fact, the £10 would have been refunded directly to my debit card. This surprised me at the time, but I thought nothing of it and was happy that they'd been so helpful with all this. I even made that entry on the "One good thing...." thread about it.

Several days later, the refund still hasn't appeared, so, out of curiosity, I telephoned CS again to check. I have now been told that this idea of me forwarding packets on and being refunded for my effort is not something that they would do. They apparently have no policy or procedure in place that would allow for this to be done. The chap I spoke to today seemed thoroughly confused and couldn't exactly understand what had happened. There have been no notes put on either my account of the other customer's to show what has happened. I kept a note of the other order details and asked for the customer to email me (even though I was told not to by CS as they would deal with it) when the parcel had been received, so that's my proof that this actually happened!

I have no issue with forwarding the parcel on. I am happy to know that the other customer has now received her item and is happy with that. However, I do have issues with being told something by QVC that, it would appear to me, is a complete lie! I rather get the impression that I was told this on the phone just because whoever I was speaking to couldn't be bothered to sort it out properly.

Has anyone here ever had a similar thing happen or heard of it? I really would rather like to take this a little further with QVC but I'm not sure how to proceed. I'm not worried about £10 but it's the feeling of being duped somehow. Is there anyone I can write to at QVC, above the CS level, to investigate this?
Gosh, I have never heard of this before, but you need to at least be compensated for the postage it cost you to forward the parcel.

I hope you recieve the email from the other customer to further your cause. They should be very grateful for your cooperation, my guess is that if you were not of the honest type you could have kept the extra item and they would not be any the wiser!

There will be a complaints department I'm sure, or someone will be along with the CEO's details.
never heard anything like that either, i wouldnt be impressed if i had been the other person whos order you had, thankfully it went to you and your honest thats scary to think anyone could have had that persons details!
phone up again, they will give u refund as promised its not normal practise because happens quite rare so rep u spoke to probably thought u couldnt do it , but they should honour it for your efforts and being honest and because thats what they said they would do :)
Gosh, I have never heard of this before, but you need to at least be compensated for the postage it cost you to forward the parcel.

I hope you recieve the email from the other customer to further your cause. They should be very grateful for your cooperation, my guess is that if you were not of the honest type you could have kept the extra item and they would not be any the wiser!

There will be a complaints department I'm sure, or someone will be along with the CEO's details.

Thanks :) As it turned out, because we had the other invoice too, we also had QVCs original postage label that is pre-paid, so it didn't cost us anything in monetary terms, which is why the £10 is of no issue really. She did email too, and is happy to have it, which I'm pleased about :) I'm glad I asked to now!!! I was pleased to do it because I'm sure if it had gone back via QVC she'd never have seen it :D
phone up again, they will give u refund as promised its not normal practise because happens quite rare so rep u spoke to probably thought u couldnt do it , but they should honour it for your efforts and being honest and because thats what they said they would do :)

I spoke with them again (third time now!) and as a goodwill gesture for the problems, I've accepted their offer of a £5 shopping credit on my account. I should have held out for ten ;) I still think it's of concern though.
WOW - I have two experinces to share with you.

I bought a watch from qvc and when it arrived the battery was dead.I rang qvc explaining the issue.The watch was on waitlist so they couldn't send me another but to "overcome" the issue they told me to get the battery replaced and send them the bill.

Quite happily,I toddled off to my local jewellers to do just this.When I got there,the jeweller told me that the watch was of so poor quality did I really want to bother with it and when I said yes (Its only a fashion watch) he told me he couldn't get the back off,it was compressed so tightly and he was worried about breaking it altogther.With that in mind and not wanting to drive into town,I decided this was all too much effort and I would just send it back.

I rang CS to explain my new decision (thinking my prevoius call would be noted) and he told me that no way would they tell me to get a new battery and refund the cost of that - and I should just send it back in the normal way.Thank goodness I didn't spend all day trying to do this and not recover the cost back.

My other situation was when I bought a kim and co dress - actually for my nana.I ordered the med and large - really not knowing what size would be best -although I did think the med was the correct option.Both ordered and paid for.Arrived a week later - 1 large option dress in the parcel and a george simonton jacket.............I was most miffed,considering my nana wanted to wear the dress that weekend to a christening.

I wrote to CS absolutely fuming - about how I paid two lots of postage - bad enough in the first place - they took my money straight away - not like a catalogue where i pay at the end of the month - and I went on to tell them how recently - everyone of my purchases was wrong,incorrect or faulty and how fed up I was.They wrote back offering me a £10 credit.

Quite pleased with this - I used it against a purchase of markon shoes.Had to speak to an operator not qcut and all sorted.Surprise suprise the markon shoes were fit for an elephant - and I sent them back.Just assumed the £10 credit was still waiting for me when they refunded me back.So next order go to use my £10 credit - and CS have no knowledge or note of it.Have to explain the whole situation again,including the markon shoes - and the best they could tell me,was that my £10 credit would have been included in my markon refund ie they refunded the whole £28 even though I only paid £18.They didn't - but I couldn't make them see that and I never saw my £10 credit again:sad:
Maybe I am paranoid, but surely this is actually a very worrying situation? What if your details are send to someone who is not so "propper"? They could use your details? I am not sure how identi threft works, never haveing done it, but if they send you the invoice of someone else, then ... I am sure... some people would know what to do with it??
several times I have had another customers invoice included in with my package, not their items, but just the invoice slip along with my own.
It seems to me there should be procedures in place to deal with these sorts of issues, but instead it depends on who you speak to at CS and what they randomly decide to do.
It leaves the customer feeling duped and fobbed off. Not good enough QVC.
Wrong name and address

Hi :hi:,
I once had some Honora pearls sent to the wrong customer - different name, different address altogether. I had ordered them to come to my home address, but they turned up at a supermarket in Luton. Luckily the guy who received them was honest and phoned QVC, sent them back and I was sent replacements. The other customer did have my name, address and customer number however and QVC seemed unconcerned at the sharing of my details with a complete stranger. The guy from QVC who rang me up to tell me what had happened seemed to think I had sent them to the wrong name and address. I discussed this with him at some length and he finally conceded that it must have been an error on their part and he was sorry for the inconvenience caused. It was some years ago now and so I don't think my details were misused, but I bet it wasn't an isolated incident. I was worried for quite some time about identity theft though and received no compensation at all - I even had to fight for an apology.

Sounds as if they're employing people without training or supervising them properly. Worrying.

Recently, just about every parcel has come with both my invoice, and an attached sheet of blank labels, as if the printing process has skipped a sheet. I've actually found these quite useful for covering over the barcode stuff on the parcel when returning, but I do wonder if the skipped label upsets the packing process in some way?
I have had quite a few invoices with nil amounts on over the years and I had an invoice with someone else's details too. Qvc asked me to shred the invoice and trusted that I had. I did of course but I thought it very poor. Currently FARTing to cut down on purchases and because money is tight but thinking of these instances I feel it is a good thing anyway.
Good point AllThatGlitters about untrained staff. The agency I have to work for to work where I do have any Tom, Dick or Mary it seems. If you ring with a query and ask for the person's name, especially when not really sure they have given you the right advice I keep getting told "I'm only here till tomorrow so there's no point in taking my name, I'm a temp". I was also asked for my bank details by one person who rang me and when I challenged them that they would have access to this if it was needed, promptly backed off and refused to give their name again on the grounds that they were a temp. I bet QVC get temps in when shortstaffed and this might explain the odd advice given. I much prefer to order online.
Once long ago I too got someone's invoice in with mine in a parcel. I just shredded it.

Think mentioning the Data Protection Act might give QVC a little slap when phoning them in future.

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