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Emerald I'm away to be the bringer of Doom and Gloom:sad:

Several years ago, well actually about 30 years ago, my best friend got engaged and she got a garnet and opal engagement ring. A few people, including myself, mentioned to her the 'old wives tale' about them being unlucky and she just laughed it off. Well she got married soon after and guess what? Within a year she was seperated and shortly after that she was divorced! :wonder: 

Mind you, after that she met a lovely man with a great job and she got married again and has lived all over the world including Hong Kong, Italy, Cyprus etc. So, maybe the opals were good luck instead of bad luck!! I never liked the first one anyway :giggle:

With regards to people liking Opals as mentioned by Meeshoo. I think this would apply more to the white opals rather than to fire opals which imho are fascinating. I have Mexican Fire Opal and a fairly large Brazilian Fire Opal ring and I can still sit and gaze at the fire inside the stone of the Brazilian one. I'm sure your friend would like them.
