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Help Support ShoppingTelly:

I'd agree with this, plus that people often drift off topic and put in stuff that isn't really relevant to a particular question they've been asked.  Always stick to the point and check that you have answered the question you were actually asked.  You will probably also be asked the same question twice in different sections of the form, but in a slightly different way each time, checking to see if your answers tally.

They don't NEED a heating allowance, there's enough hot air coming out of them anyway....

I've also emailed Rachel Reeves and said they should be ashamed, but I doubt they are.   More crass and unfair decisions to follow, no doubt.  This is just the beginning.  Why not just tell pensioners they'll have to get pneumonia or hypothermia, be rushed into hospital and cost the NHS money - makes perfect economic sense (not).

Meanwhile, let's carry on paying for MP's second homes, which they should blurdy well finance themselves.
