Thinking back to the old days, when there was no such thing as "online" if a concert was popular people would literally have to queue up outside the box office and if necessary they'd have to camp outside over night and once they'd gone they'd gone. Sometimes you could buy tickets in places like Virgin records as well as the venue box offices. I do remember when queuing up to get into a concert there'd be touts trying to offload tickets onto passers by but other than that there was no silly money changing hands. The Who concert was a case in point, it was about 1978 and it was a bit of come back tour and my friend who had a major crush on Roger Daltrey really wanted to go - I wasn't too fussed so I passed but she managed to find another couple of mates who were up for it. Their parent's allowed them to queue up overnight to get them. On the night of the concert my mate phoned me to say one of the girls was ill so would I like to go, you can pay later so I said yes and I'm so glad that I did as it was absolutely amazing and I've loved them ever since and this was just before my Quadrophenia days, so after I'd seen the film I was even more chuffed that I'd been able to see the Who in concert!