NN tsv


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Easily Confused
Aug 13, 2008
I know NN TSV's are a bit boring, but can anyone offer opinions please? What's the difference between Egyptian cotton and Supima cotton and which do you think is better? I'm just confused...:33:
I know NN TSV's are a bit boring, but can anyone offer opinions please? What's the difference between Egyptian cotton and Supima cotton and which do you think is better? I'm just confused...:33:

Supima cotton is grown in America and Egyptian cotton has to be grown in Egypt in order to carry the kite mark. I have been tempted by the QVC Egyptian cotton sets in the past and have found them lovely and soft to begin with but they bobble and pill worse than the flannel and then become really scratchy. The ones I've bought have only been 350 thread count so perhaps these will be different. I'm afraid to chance it again. I've only tried supima cotton from M & S. It's lovely so would hope that the QVC version is the same. Hope this helps. :6:
the nn 300 and 350 thread count beddin g isnot the same as m&s so i would not hold out any hope that the supima is.
john lewis and m&s do supima ranges that are well priced and m&s do 20% of days so sign uo to e-mail alerts.
nn in my opinion is a waste of money and oversold as luxury which it is not when compared to luxury or even the dreaded high street.
For everything you ever wanted to know about bedding quality & Egyptian cotton in particular, google the following & click on the first guide that comes up:


Especially read the sections on why the quality can vary so much from bedding to bedding! :)
I am really quite passionate about nice bedding & I think it's a bit sad that some people have been put off Egyptian cotton etc. by inferior quality bedding, as it really can be truly glorious & give you a wonderful night's sleep! :(

If you want 'nice' Egyptian cotton bedding that won't break the bank, try Dunelm Mill's ranges, eldest DD has a black set from there, 100% Egyptian cotton, washes beautifully, is tumble-drier safe, doesn't need ironing & has remained soft!
The whole set was less than 50 quid!

If however, you want the true high-end 'sleeping on a 'cool to the touch, soft, silken cloud' luxury sort that NN lady bangs on about, you simply will not get that for NN prices!
The action starts round about 300 quid but 450-750 quid would be nearer the mark for a bedding set!
(This is not snobbery btw, it's fact!)

Read the NN reviews - good quality cotton bedding doesn't bobble, is not difficult to iron (unless you've baked it dry! lol) & in fact should barely need ironing at all!
I've had Yves Delorme sets that have never needed ironing & could be tumble-dried (on low!) quite safely! Good bedding isn't tricksy & fragile, it's tough as old boots if you care for it properly!

In between the examples I've given is NN I guess but please don't take this as the benchmark for high-end Egyptian cotton bedding, it isn't!
(Hoping to get my cheque from the Egyptian Cotton Growers' Association in the post any day now! lol)
kitten with claws very well put....class act!!!

agreed, very good info

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but NN is still better (usually) than the polycotton crap you get in the high street.
but NN is still better (usually) than the polycotton crap you get in the high street.

Yes, it is, or rather, it should be! However, reading many of the reviews, it is obvious that they are taking shortcuts somewhere as many of the complaints mentioned just shouldn't happen, certainly not at that price range, which is somewhere between average & 'should be at least halfway decent'!

Bedding choices can be very hit & miss, word of mouth probably being the safest recommendation route! lol
I've bought the DDs cheaper polycotton bed sets from Next & they've been carp, yet a seemingly similar Playboy one turned out to be fine!?! Me, I'd have to be pretty desperate to sleep on an Asda sheet, though I know others are perfectly happy with them!

I think it partly depends on the individual, eldest DD for example is like me, prefers Egyptian cotton as mixes make her too hot & uncomfortable, therefore she doesn't like them but next one down DD is always cold & loves her Playboy polycotton mix bedding! (Is non-bobbly though! lol)

I don't think QVC do themselves any favours with NN (& Suzy whatsername!) - if something is described as 'high-end luxury' yet clearly isn't, of course people are going to be disappointed when it sheds/bobbles/looks like a crumpled dishcloth when they wash it, I would be! :(

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