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<img src="/images/90-HOUR.jpg" border="1" alt="90 Hour Marathon" title="90 Hour Marathon" hspace="4" align="right" />Join GemsTV this weekend for the launch of their new set! Tune in from 1pm Friday to see their bold new look and to grab some bargains. To celebrate, GemsTV will be broadcasting live and uninterrupted for 90 hours on GemsTV1.  The 90 hour marathon starts at 8am Friday and lasts until 2am Tuesday allowing you to shop all day and night!<br /><br />There’ll be hours of fun to be had with Scott and Matt and some truly amazing jewellery bargains to be snatched.  There’ll even be nail biting £1 super crashes throughout the weekend.<br /><br />In addition, on GemsTV2 you will get a second chance to snatch some of the best pieces from the 90 hour marathon.<br /><br />GemsTV is the only jewellery shopping channel to ever hold such an event, so tune in this weekend.
