My poor feet


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fair enough
thanks for your honesty :up2:
I used to go to the chiropodist every six weeks but to be honest she only ever got rid of dead skin and it was quite expensive,thats why I fancy giving this a go,think in the long term it may well pay for itself

It's definitely worth a try, queenie, and I hope it helps you.
It's great, but go carefully as it easy to overdo it at first. I really love the little foot buffer that came with in the TSV, I find this takes an amazing amount off on a daily basis without making my feet sore. I saw these on HQ hair online as separate items and was shocked at the prices.The saving on QVC is really good for once.
margaret dabbs has said that you should file your feet twice a month not much more as the more you file the more your feet try to make it grow back so i only do it now evey 14 days and its true "too much of one thing is good for nothing."
I haven't tried the microplane - although I want to after reading all these comments and the reviews at QVC! :D

I just wanted to second the "file well once a fortnight and then moisturise moisturise moisturise" advice cos overdoing it can make your feet rougher.

I work in a bar, and I think being on our feet in enclosed shoes for hours and hours makes them hot red and itchy, and dries them out.

I'm using Alpha H Rejuvenating cream on my feet at the moment because it did such good things for my neck and upper arms that I thought it couldn't hurt to give it a try on my poor tootsies! It does a fab job on all but the heel ridge which is where I use Flexitol Heel Balm. Usually I'm a Margaret Dabbs girl but I'm really low on the oil so I thought I'd eke it out by trying something else for a while. I just pop the RC on at night and sleep in socks.

At a BBQ the other day a slightly drunk friend of a friend really embarrassed me by grabbing hold of my feet and banging on about how sexy they were.

They're not in the least bit sexy - unless he meant being fat and wide fitting with a high instep and stubby toes - but they are baby soft at the moment so p'raps he meant that. Hubby found it all highly amusing!

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