Mike you bad boy


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Susie Wusie

Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
Just watching the Soul collection with mouthy Mike who was demonstrating the Joe Brown Leather Jacket and he actually said he bought one from Ideal World the other day and if he'd known this was coming he'd have got this one !!!!!!! So the Lakeland leather one he was showing the other day which he reckons he bought he now wishes he'd waited for the Joe Brown one, which is not a good advert for the Lakeland one is it!!!!!
Just watching the Soul collection with mouthy Mike who was demonstrating the Joe Brown Leather Jacket and he actually said he bought one from Ideal World the other day and if he'd known this was coming he'd have got this one !!!!!!! So the Lakeland leather one he was showing the other day which he reckons he bought he now wishes he'd waited for the Joe Brown one, which is not a good advert for the Lakeland one is it!!!!!
Anything any of them say is act.
The personality they present is an act.
Their job is to sell as many of whatever they are presenting at that moment as they can.
There is no point in looking for continuity in the statements they make - when they purport to like an item , or to have bought it , or to wish they had bought it, they are acting.
Many of the presenters are indeed out of work actors and they are doing this for the money.
They are detached from the product , and they are detached from what they said yesterday , so there is no point in challenging what appears to be inconsistencies in their sales pitches.
It's a bit like meeting an actor from a soap opera and expecting them to be the character they play.
Anything any of them say is act.
The personality they present is an act.
Their job is to sell as many of whatever they are presenting at that moment as they can.
There is no point in looking for continuity in the statements they make - when they purport to like an item , or to have bought it , or to wish they had bought it, they are acting.
Many of the presenters are indeed out of work actors and they are doing this for the money.
They are detached from the product , and they are detached from what they said yesterday , so there is no point in challenging what appears to be inconsistencies in their sales pitches.
It's a bit like meeting an actor from a soap opera and expecting them to be the character they play.
You'll be telling us that Dormeo's David Fabbro isn't a real ambassador next.

Whilst I agree that the overriding role of a presenter is to shift stock, it is, at the very least, entertaining to call them out on their more obvious excesses. Mason is a compulsive liar when it comes to the selling game, using his 'goddess' for beauty sales and referencing himself as buying, or wanting to buy, various products. Call it what you will, it's all lies, and just adds to the layers of deception in the world. It also says a lot about his character that he's so willing to compromise his integrity for a few shekels.

Not all presenters use this tactic, and I think it's possible to sell stock without it, so why do certain presenters feel the need to continually peddle lies--and then adding insult to injury when they periodically allude to their own honesty and integrity.

Whilst I take your point about the seeming futility of exposing their deceptions, there is a certain satisfaction in bringing them to light. It's the same with the ASA complaints that don't seem to make the slightest difference to their conduct: I still think it's good that someone is making the effort and that their transgressions are being recorded.
Occurred to me the other day, is Mason the only presenter that doesn't get involved when exercise equipment is the treat on sale? I have seen him standing by with his mouth running full speed but don't recall any other part of him moving. Am I right?
Occurred to me the other day, is Mason the only presenter that doesn't get involved when exercise equipment is the treat on sale? I have seen him standing by with his mouth running full speed but don't recall any other part of him moving. Am I right?

Have seen him on it, thinking it was last year, had these shorts on, which obviously weren't shorts he normally wears, they were real wide and against his skinny legs made him look like a real prat, probably why he doesn't get involved in the exercise shows. :ROFLMAO:
My genuine apologies to anyone that now has a troubling mental image burned deeply into their brains. That was not my intention to cause distress.

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