Melatogenine v DefiLift!


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Mar 7, 2009
Anybody else love the one but hate the other?
I've been trying both (from two separate kits) & whilst I love the texture, smell & feel of the DefiLift eye cream & moisturiser, I'm much less keen on the Melatogenine equivalents! Been trying D during the day & M at night!

I find the Melatogenine very drying (looked in mirror this morning & was not impressed to see a gaunt little mummified face peering back at me!), yet it feels quite sticky on the skin at the same time! My eyes were a bit puffy too so presumably the eye cream doesn't suit either!

Wondering if I should throw caution to the wind & ignore any advancing wrinkles (not too bad) & just stick to the lifting effect improvement (more needed) of the DefiLift both day & night?
Or supplement the night time routine with the much cheaper LE Superskin maybe?
I like both - but prefer the Defilift as it is lighter and is absorbed more quickly. So if I have both in a kit I use the Defilift in the day and Mel.... at night.
I think they are both very over rated and now don't use either.
I think they are a very expensive brand that doesn't live up to the hype.

I wold be tempted to try cheaper alternatives and save some money!
Yes, I thought that seemed the logical way round to do it too Rosey!
It's only been a week so maybe I should stick with it? I just loved the DefiLift from the get-go whereas the Melatogenine just didn't grab me in the same way at all! :)
I think they are both very over rated and now don't use either.
I think they are a very expensive brand that doesn't live up to the hype.

I wold be tempted to try cheaper alternatives and save some money!

Although I have reached a 'certain age', I am neither ultra wrinkly nor ultra saggy but have definitely got to the stage where you begin to panic slightly & feel pressured to spend that little bit more so that in 10 years time you won't look in the mirror & the payback for being such a cheapskate will be staring back at you......! lol
I've always preferred Defi-lift over Melatogenine. Currently using the original Defi-lift during the day and the new version at night.
Ive used both and find them to be somewhat similar for me
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Although I have reached a 'certain age', I am neither ultra wrinkly nor ultra saggy but have definitely got to the stage where you begin to panic slightly & feel pressured to spend that little bit more so that in 10 years time you won't look in the mirror & the payback for being such a cheapskate will be staring back at you......! lol

I am 50 this year,and like you felt the more I spent the better the products must work!
It's not true and believe me I have tried most!
I have quite good skin,but have now realised that no cream will stop wrinkles or halt the ageing process, but cleansing and moisturising can prevent the skin drying out etc so improving the look of the skin.
I think smoking,sun bathing,illness and poor diet have a bad effect on the skin but genetics also play a big part!!
I now have a middle range skincare programe that works for me and have just bought the new serum from Avon for £20 which is really lovely.
However if you have found something that works for you that's great :1:
Martha - I think it's probably mainly me! I have this absolute hate of anything sticky, cloying, remotely claggy or the feel of actually wearing anything on my face & don't use primers, foundation or anything else similar for this very reason! It makes me feel quite claustrophobic otherwise, which sounds stupid but I would say the texture & feel of something comes very high on my list of priorities & puts me straight off a lot of products!
#9 Lemonsqueezy - you are so right of course! I must stop watching the beastly AY & her subliminal (or even blatantly open!) threats & warnings of what will happen to my skin if I don't use this, that or the other......! lol
I promised my OH that if the DefiLift made no improvement to my eyes I would call a halt to the search for the probably non-existent elixir of life eye cream I had convinced myself was out there.....somewhere!

Maybe I should stick to Liz Earle, her products make me happy at least - they feel nice, are relatively inexpensive & I'm safe in the knowledge that I'm not hurting da fluffy wunny bunnies by using them, which makes me feel good!
I always think I could 'do that little bit better' but the constant stress & never-ending searching for the 'perfect' whatever cream is maybe not the most relaxing way to beautiful skin!

Now where did I put my stockpile of 'evil cheapo high street brand' no 7 Beauty Serum.........! :)
Whilst I agree that there are cheaper brands out there Lemonsqueezy - some are not much cheaper - espcially if you can get it the in tsv's. You are saying you are using a £20 serum from Avon - the value of most items in tsv's is way less than this. I have also tried lots of other things and gatineau suits my skin. I tried the Boots serum that was raved about and spent nearly £20 and it brought me out in spots so ended up in the bin. At least with qvc you can return it if it does not suit your skin or you do not like the texture.

In the end it is down to personal choice and what suits your skin. You don't have to believe the hype of AY but at least you can give anything a try for free (well except the p&p).

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