Mature Barbie Dolls


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Jun 26, 2008
Tiffany and the lady with an Italian name (Pioline ??) have lovely smooth faces, full mouths and bright shiny eyes. Both are very pretty, part natural and part assisted, I don’t blame them for having work done if it prolongs their careers. BUT what about their necks ? Crepey turkey necks just do not complement tight shiny smooth cheeks. Fillers and Botox don’t work on the neck, one has to go under the knife. If I were planning to have any ‘work’ done, it would be on my neck/jawline first.
I can see why those in this industry have work done—-but & there is a huge BUT When do you draw the line? How many of these people start to look decidedly odd.We Have all seen the awful images of ‘celebs’who have gone a step too far.We are in an age where ‘youth’ is the norm.—-but we all get old so where is the problem?I was in an industry which leans to a youth market & I retired, never been more content & happy with my age & look.Still love the makeup & skincare but the pressure is not there!
A few weeks ago I read the following words on a similar thread & I love them:

'Some of the loveliest faces I see belong to older women who are at ease with themselves and they give off an air of being wrapped in a mature kind of elegance'.
Alison K on the Skechers show is def. looking very odd.Now we all know she has been round the world but does that do you to your face? Apart from the tan which turns you’re face & dec. to leather her lips & cheeks look false? IMO of course!
Alison K has been to Australia and looks like she never left the beach ! I don't think she is 60 yet, but her skin is so damaged she is rapidly getting the 'tortoise' look. In another 5 - 10 years she'll be even worse.

As for Tiffany, words fail me, and as for her model 'stance', she's quickly becoming a 'question mark', and walks back along the runway as though she struggles to walk in the shoes.
Tiffany does make me laugh when I see her walk on that strip of MDF or "catwalk" as QVC like to call it, she walks like she's clenching a fifty pence piece between her butt cheeks. She also reminds me of on older picture of Ali Bailey, they both have that faint smile, dazed look.
I think Ali K has got to the point where she should stop. She's going to end up looking really odd if she doesn't.
A few weeks ago I read the following words on a similar thread & I love them:

'Some of the loveliest faces I see belong to older women who are at ease with themselves and they give off an air of being wrapped in a mature kind of elegance'.

Dame Judi Dench illustrates that perfectly.
Don't forget the eyes, I have noticed the smooth foreheads and plump chipmunk cheeks but the eyes are always like the neck wrinkled.

Remember watching something about looking younger and the neck and eyes only the surgeon will do.

I was shocked when I heard the other night AlisonK saying she wasn't 60!!!! I turned 60 a few months back and thought crap I look younger than you! But then I was never a sunbather always fried in the sun. I remember going to visit my big brother in Canada as a teenager with my mum. People were shocked when I went to Canada in the summer and came back the same colour I left. Not even the hint of a tan.
Ali K was on one of our local radio stations many years ago & I liked her voice & sense of fun, she was also very kind to many listeners. When she first joined the Q I thought she was professional & always looked fantastic, I also followed her battle with ill health & admired her tenacity. I no longer watch the live hours & when I have watched her on a recorded show I can't believe how fast she talks, the words sprint out of her mouth, & how her looks have changed. I know she's had reconstructions that have failed & she's very slim so the damage to her upper body may not have helped but it's obvious that decades of sun worship have taken their toll. As for her face she's defintely going for the chipmunk look but why she chooses to wear so much shimmer & pale colours is beyond me. I'm now only going to say nice things for the rest of the day.
Tiffany is beginning to look very ‘odd’ nowadays ..

I agree, surely her family should tell her 'enough is enough' I could never understand QVC getting rid of some of the long standing models and keeping Tiff.
I've just looked at those photos and they are beautiful. I do think there might have been a wee bit of air brushing going on though, but who cares. Everyone wants to look their best on their wedding day. Unfortunately I got married in 1984 and looked like a cross between a poodle and hair bear bunch :mysmilie_17: (it was the fashion).

The neck is one of those really telltale, giveaway areas. Not even Madonna and all her millions can do a lot for that part of her body. Ulrika Jonsson is another with a scrawny "broiler neck."

The issue is that when they make the face area look very smooth, this only serves to accentuate the the gnarled appearance of the neck on which it is perched, giving it the appearance of a football on a stick of salsify.

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