Make Up Shinkage!


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Jun 24, 2008
Whenever there's a new Doll10 item I get tempted but on the whole I talk myself out of buying if it duplicates something I already own (sometimes I fail and buy any way!).

So I saw this and went through the same pros and cons and spotted a big fat "con"...the original Conceal It concealer palette is 12g for £20 plus postage whereas this split pan is only 6.5ml for the princely sum of £32.50 but we should be grateful for the event price of £26.64! :headbang:

Laura Geller's no better; the original baked products were all 9g Balance, Bronze, Blush alike, and also the lovely Ethereal Glow powder was 9g, I know because I still have two of them but I won't be replacing them with this weeny offering 1.8g for £20!! :mysmilie_51: All the blushers have shrunk from 9g to 5g! Let's not forget the ridiculous TSV that claimed to include a 7.5g eye shadow but which was no bigger than other 1.8g ones and weighed roughly the same (including the plastic of each component)! :taphead:

I know there's a huge mark up on make up - we just accept it and we each have an opportunity cost - the price we're willing to pay for our slap and shop accordingly. The little squares of coloured powder in a Tarte palette aren't worth £30+ but in the greater scheme of things there are worse things I could blow my cash on. What annoys the hell out of me is when products shrink dramatically and companies think we won't notice! It's an insult to our intelligence! :mysmilie_10:

Rant over...for now, but please feel free to name and shame other brands that shrink their products for the same of more money! (Even Cadbury's mini rolls now come in a pack of 5 instead of 6. How rude, do they think we wouldn't spot that?) OK now the rant is over! :angry::angry:
Yes, you're so right.
The LG blush shrinkage had me annoyed but was mild to what I thought of the Ethereal Rose. I've had two of the old 9g ones that I've used down to the pan, now on my third & last one & been waiting for them to be available again.
Was really pleased to see it back....till I saw the size! No way am I paying so much for so little.....must take us for mugs.

My OH's comments on his favourite Snicker bars is unprintable
L'Occitane cherry blossom EDT has annoyed me. It was £42 for 100ml but the bottles are only 75ml now. They initially were £39 when the bottle got smaller but it's now at £42 again. I bought a few 100ml when I saw the change but down to my last bottle now. Sometimes there are offers or gift sets but still, shrinking the bottles by 25ml is pretty significant. I wish I didn't love it so much!
That is unfortunately what happens when a company is bought out by a bigger one. They want more more more money so decide no will will notice if we made it smaller. I mean who reads the size and weight, oh wait that would be the people who buy the products. Foundations used to be 30mls as standard now I notice is some brands 28mls or even 20mls is the standard size.

Speaking of Tarte, they have now released single eyeshadows, blues,greens,browns,pinks,purple and black. All are metallic in texture which is unfortunate no mats or satins to suit everyone. I do expect QVC to sell them as duos no doubt at a high price.
My youngest is in Florida at the moment and I've asked her to check out the Tarte single shadows; she'll no doubt love them but at 20 there's v little she can't wear! Cosmetic companies know that there's more perceived value in a palette, particularly if they make the case look pretty, or goth or whatever. It's harder for most buyers to justify (to themselves) the price of a single when a palette looks such good value and folk get sucked in to collecting them. Brands use magazines to drum up the idea of their palette being a limited edition and "collectable", sit back and start rubbing their hands as the £$£$£$ roll in.

It's clear from recent reviews that the Laura Geller formula for Balance & Brighten has changed since she sold the company, and the more recent liquid foundations and concealers don't seem as good as the Real Deal concealer or the original Take Cover liquid foundation. There are 8 LG concealers on the Q website and 4 "foundations".

Breeze if you use ebay the best way to source the ethereal rose powder is in the "Glow Box" (with the highlighter) or as a split-pan with a blusher (9g) - these came from an auto-deliver TSV set years ago but often folk overlook these and only want to buy a 9g single ER compact which rarely appear on ebay and sell for silly money. HTH.
It is annoying when the sizes change like this and they think we won't notice.
Even more annoying to me though is when long standing formulations change, and they think we won't notice that either. A recent example for me is a Clarins lipstick, a shade I had bought several times was discontinued last year. A few months ago the same shade reappeared in the same collection which had new packaging, gold tube instead of silver. This looked the same in the tube so I thought it would be my favourite just repackaged. It is not the same though, too dark on, different texture and smell. I don't understand why they used the old shade name, this is duping loyal customers.
Oooh, this is one thing that really grinds my gears. It happens with everything and companies often coincide a shrinkage with a rebranding or change in packaging design, presumably in the hope we don't notice. My favourite Assam tea-bag recently went down in size from 100 to 80 bags in a box, while the price went up to £5 a box! No chance, now I buy a supermarket own that actually tastes better and costs just £1.20 for a box of 80. I'd be here all day if I wrote down everything I can think of, but this has happened in pretty much every area of consumables I buy.

The other aspect of this sort of thing is the dreaded "New Recipe!" flash on food. I read somewhere a while ago that this means a company has found a way of selling you more air or more water in a product to make it cheaper. Despite their claims of same taste, or whatever, I hate it because I know something I used to love is now going to taste bland. Being vegetarian, I used to love the Linda McCartney sausages. Lovely texture and flavour - a firm favourite. I noticed the hated "new recipe" on the new look box a few weeks ago, and now I can't eat them. Not only do they not taste as nice, they have a cheap, pulpy texture and upset my stomach. What's the point of doing it, if it drives customers away?

And I won't even start on Cadbury's...
Being vegetarian, I used to love the Linda McCartney sausages. Lovely texture and flavour - a firm favourite. I noticed the hated "new recipe" on the new look box a few weeks ago, and now I can't eat them. Not only do they not taste as nice, they have a cheap, pulpy texture and upset my stomach

Ditto Moth! :mysmilie_51:
Although I'm not vegetarian, I used to like those sausages. I tried the new ones and they tasted like sponge....whatever sponge tastes like..... they went in the bin.

As for Cadburys, the founders must be spinning in their grave.
Interesting! The checkout girl in my nearby Sainsbury's Local has also told me she has the same problem. It makes me wonder what they've put in them!

I tried them before the repackaging and after and would hazard a guess it's the Raising Agent: Ammonium Hydrogen ...
A converted gas that irritates mucous membranes including stomach lining.
Akimbo, this is indeed an interesting topic, but every time I see your posts I laugh out loud at Lee posing in your avatar :mysmilie_17:
I know I laughed out loud when I saw this on facebook! New caption coming soon! :mysmilie_59:
Oooh, this is one thing that really grinds my gears. It happens with everything and companies often coincide a shrinkage with a rebranding or change in packaging design, presumably in the hope we don't notice. My favourite Assam tea-bag recently went down in size from 100 to 80 bags in a box, while the price went up to £5 a box! No chance, now I buy a supermarket own that actually tastes better and costs just £1.20 for a box of 80. I'd be here all day if I wrote down everything I can think of, but this has happened in pretty much every area of consumables I buy.

The other aspect of this sort of thing is the dreaded "New Recipe!" flash on food. I read somewhere a while ago that this means a company has found a way of selling you more air or more water in a product to make it cheaper. Despite their claims of same taste, or whatever, I hate it because I know something I used to love is now going to taste bland. Being vegetarian, I used to love the Linda McCartney sausages. Lovely texture and flavour - a firm favourite. I noticed the hated "new recipe" on the new look box a few weeks ago, and now I can't eat them. Not only do they not taste as nice, they have a cheap, pulpy texture and upset my stomach. What's the point of doing it, if it drives customers away?

And I won't even start on Cadbury's...

Don't get me started on new and improved washing powders.
By my reckoning the first recipe for Ariel in '67 must have been absolute rubbish! Chucking a knob of lard and an apple-core into your twin tub must have been more effective, they've improved it so many times!
For the past two summers Doris has brought a duo of the 12g Conceal it concealer for around £25 which is a fab deal if you use it but the single item at £20 is only in stock in the Medium shade (tan sold out and Fair & Light on waitlist) so I wonder whether the smaller split compact is replacing the 12g size completely? No sign of the duo returning this year.


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