Thanks for your posts! Yes, I think the quality of LG's bag's must be slipping on QVC due to the having to make larger quantities. She must shift bucket loads more than she ever used to!! I think she did make a comment about the fact that the factory was struggling to keep up with the demand!!
I may have been unlucky with mine - maybe some people will be thrilled with their bag but even without the glue on mine I wasn't impressed and it would have gone back anyway. No-one in their right mind would ever have thought I'd paid £130 for it!!
I'm waiting to see if my negative review pops up on QVC soon!
It cost me £2.86 to return via recorded delivery, which I guess isn't too bad but I will be really annoyed if they don't refund my original postage:angry:!! I guess they will. I might try and get a refund for my return cost and send an e-mail to customer services if they don't post my review.
I imagine it's nice for big Lulu Guinness fans to be able to buy some of the pricey £300-£400 bags on easy-pay on QVC - just hope they have better luck than I did!! Having seen one in the flesh I don't really see what all the fuss is about!