Isn't it the whole company having a struggling time, Create and Craft also.
Watched a lot of Create and Craft since Christmas, and you didn't know what you would get on day to day, it was very varied, Then Sara Davies, and took Crafters Companion to Hochanda, which was massive, as you lost Sheena Douglass, Debbie Shore, Spectrum Noir in one fowl sweep plus the other lines included.
Then in the past few weeks, Dave Bradford, Nigel May and Jacqui Joseph have gone to The Craft Channel, along with Lizzy Curis and Rosella Cotterill, and recently Jodie Johnson from Tonic has also jumped ship, to the Craft Channel.
Now every day on Create and Craft, it is just Tattered Lace, Hunkydory, Tonic, Dreamees and Disney in a loop.
With the presenters going, we seem to be getting more of the IW bunch presenting, Shaun Rylan, Dennice Robinson, Mike Mason, this week, we have seen the first appearances of Peter Simon, and Gienneive.
Create and Craft however have recently signed a contract with Disney so things can't be that bad