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Just watching Linda Lusardi and her 'my miracle' cr*p.

Perhaps she might like to STOP saying that since using her NEW skincare range, her skin is amazing......... errr that infers to me very much that her old one was a pile of cack.  Think on, if she's now saying that this new one is amazing and making her skin the best its ever been........ perhaps in another couple of years she's going to be saying the same about a new-new skin range.  Doesn't inspire any confidence in me at all and indeed puts me off buying it.

Secondly, perhaps stop trying to sell your rubbish on the grounds of creme de la mer, bulgari and la prarie.


Having your range made in the same factory as these does in NO way make it equal to them in quality or ingredients or anything.  Having worked in a pasta factory, I know that basics ranges and the damn expenisve ones are made in the same factory, so I'm not convinced just being made in the same factory has any relevance.  Seems just a cheap psychological trick to keep mentioning the expensive, high end brand names, so we can link them with yours subconsciously.

Also, stop showing one hand that you've creamed up, and comparing it to the other hand you haven't, you're not actually allowed to do this on telly, as I've heard you be told by one of the more conscientous presenters before.

Pile of old tat.
