Lids by design - sellotape for your eyelids - genius or ridiculous


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Jun 18, 2012
This morning they had an American woman on with Chloe Everton. She was touting these little double-sided adhesive strips that are placed in the upper eyelid to create a wide-eyed, refreshed look. While the result was noticeable, what has it come to when people have to start using bits of tape to hold their face together?

Do you think it is a good product? Or is it overpriced tat?
Ridiculous things, you could be like Cinderella, have to be home by the stroke of midnight before they start to wear off.
Are like those chesticle tapes so you don’t have to wear a bra?

Maybe in the future people will be plastic under the skin and sticky tape to keep it all in.
OMG!!!! This is totally the.product I need as over the past few months my eyelids have dropped dramatically.. I didn't even know such things existed. I am going to look through the Amazon selections. The QVC set is £10 dearer on Amazon so shan't be buying them! I am also a bit hamfisted so may need to buy a cheap set first to see if I can actually use them. For instance false lashes were never a goer for me! So I'm hoping, Julius, that it is is a good.product and not tat and that they do work. I don't have time to read reviews etc on Amazon today and look forward to reading what Eric's Mum reckons to them.
OMG!!!! This is totally the.product I need as over the past few months my eyelids have dropped dramatically.. I didn't even know such things existed. I am going to look through the Amazon selections. The QVC set is £10 dearer on Amazon so shan't be buying them! I am also a bit hamfisted so may need to buy a cheap set first to see if I can actually use them. For instance false lashes were never a goer for me! So I'm hoping, Julius, that it is is a good.product and not tat and that they do work. I don't have time to read reviews etc on Amazon today and look forward to reading what Eric's Mum reckons to them.

The demos produced some impressive results. They also said something about it training the muscles in eyelid. In any case if you decide to give them a try please feel free to let us know your thoughts on the product. I find this product oddly fascinating. Sometimes when I've been up all night and have to go into work the next day it's hard to sustain any kind of appearance of "awakeness." Maybe I could do with them!
I am sure I saw an advert for these some time ago, I think there were about 30 pairs but cant remember the price. I think it went you pop them on and blink.
In the golden years of Hollywood, 'tape' was used constantly, especially around the eyes and jawline to the hairline which lifted and pulled the skin tighter. I remember someone once mentioning fish scales, though how that worked I don't know. But lots of methods were used, particularly to get good studio shots.
I remember hearing a tv presenter saying that an actress who appeared on the show, sitting next to her, had a small bulldog clip pulling the skin on her neck back.
It was mostly hidden by her long hair, but she could see it.
I remember hearing a tv presenter saying that an actress who appeared on the show, sitting next to her, had a small bulldog clip pulling the skin on her neck back.
It was mostly hidden by her long hair, but she could see it.

Prob JF - with a long line of bulldog clips going all the way up her back, pulling everything in.
I remember hearing a tv presenter saying that an actress who appeared on the show, sitting next to her, had a small bulldog clip pulling the skin on her neck back.
It was mostly hidden by her long hair, but she could see it.

Stephanie Beacham mentioned a bulldog clip in a newspaper article in 2014 as she regretted sun damage on her neck and décolletage. Don’t know if it was an admission or a joke.
JF uses a bulldog clip because she'd hate the viewing public to think there's a single ounce of fat on her, also the fact that QVC would allow her to change the look and the shape of a garment they want you to buy, says it all about how its presenter first, customer second.
I once heard on a TV programme that Marlene Dietrich was so afraid of looking old but terrified of cosmetic surgery so she used surgical needles to pull the skin on her face a neck back.:mysmilie_466::mysmilie_505:
I haven`t seen these in action so I`ve no idea how you`re supposed to apply them and they`re no longer visible on Q`s website but I should imagine if one comes loose or drops off then people could be walking around with a face resembling Popeye and his one droopy eye lol.

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